# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, RTE (https://www.rte-france.com)
# See AUTHORS.txt
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# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
[docs]class BaseRules(ABC):
This class is a base class that determines whether or not an action is legal in certain environment.
See the definition of :func:`BaseRules.__call__` for more information.
Basically, this is an empty class with an overload of the __call__ operator that should return ``True`` or ``False``
depending on the legality of the action.
In :class:`grid2op.Environment`, only action of the users are checked for legality.
[docs] def initialize(self, env):
This function is used to inform the class instance about the environment specification.
It can be the place to assert the defined rules are suited for the environement.
env: :class:`grid2op.Environment.Environment`
The environment on which the action is performed. The environement instance is not fully initialized itself.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def __call__(self, action, env):
As opposed to "ambiguous action", "illegal action" are not illegal per se.
They are legal or not on a certain environment. For example, disconnecting
a powerline that has been cut off for maintenance is illegal. Saying to action to both disconnect a
powerline and assign it to bus 2 on it's origin side is ambiguous, and not tolerated in Grid2Op.
action: :class:`grid2op.Action.Action`
The action of which the legality is tested.
env: :class:`grid2op.Environment.Environment`
The environment on which the action is performed.
is_legal: ``bool``
Whether the action is legal or not
The cause of the illegal part of the action (should be a grid2op exception)
[docs] def can_use_simulate(self, nb_simulate_call_step, nb_simulate_call_episode, param):
This function can be overriden.
It is expected to return either SimulateUsedTooMuchThisStep or SimulateUsedTooMuchThisEpisode if the number of calls to `obs.simulate`
is too high in total or for the given step
return None