# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, RTE (https://www.rte-france.com)
# See AUTHORS.txt
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# If a copy of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 was not distributed with this file,
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.
import numpy as np
from grid2op.Exceptions import Grid2OpException
from grid2op.Reward.baseReward import BaseReward
from grid2op.dtypes import dt_float
[docs]class AlarmReward(BaseReward):
This reward is based on the "alarm feature" where the agent is asked to send information about potential issue
on the grid.
On this case, when the environment is in a "game over" state (eg it's the end) then the reward is computed
the following way:
- if the environment has been successfully manage until the end of the chronics, then 1.0 is returned
- if no alarm has been raised, then -1.0 is return
You can use this reward in any environment with:
.. code-block:: python
import grid2op
from grid2op.Reward import AlarmReward
# then you create your environment with it:
NAME_OF_THE_ENVIRONMENT = "l2rpn_case14_sandbox"
env = grid2op.make(NAME_OF_THE_ENVIRONMENT,reward_class=AlarmReward)
# and do a step with a "do nothing" action
obs = env.reset()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space())
# the reward is computed with the AlarmReward class
[docs] def __init__(self, logger=None):
BaseReward.__init__(self, logger=logger)
# required if you want to design a custom reward taking into account the
# alarm feature
self.has_alarm_component = True
self.is_alarm_used = False # required to update it in __call__ !!
self.total_time_steps = dt_float(0.0)
self.reward_min = dt_float(-1.0)
self.reward_max = dt_float(1.0)
self.reward_no_game_over = dt_float(0.0)
self.window_size = None
self.best_time = None
self.mult_for_right_zone = 2
[docs] def initialize(self, env):
if not env._has_attention_budget:
raise Grid2OpException(
'Impossible to use the "AlarmReward" with an environment for which this feature '
'is disabled. Please make sure "env._has_attention_budget" is set to ``True`` or '
"change the reward class with `grid2op.make(..., reward_class=AnyOtherReward)`"
[docs] def reset(self, env):
self.total_time_steps = env.max_episode_duration()
self.best_time = env.parameters.ALARM_BEST_TIME
self.window_size = env.parameters.ALARM_WINDOW_SIZE
def _tmp_score_time(self, step_alarm, step_game_over):
compute the "temporal" score.
Should give a number between 0 and 1
if step_game_over - step_alarm > self.best_time + self.window_size:
# alarm too soon
res = 0
elif step_game_over - step_alarm < self.best_time - self.window_size:
# alarm too late
res = 0
# square function such that: it gives 1 if step_game_over - step_alarm equals self.best_time
# and 0 if step_game_over - step_alarm = self.best_time + self.window_size or
# if step_game_over - step_alarm self.best_time - self.window_size
dist_to_game_over = step_game_over - step_alarm
dist_to_best = dist_to_game_over - self.best_time
# set it to 0 for the extreme case
polynom = (dist_to_best - self.window_size) * (
dist_to_best + self.window_size
# scale it such that it is 1 for dist_to_best == 0 (ie step_game_over - step_alarm == self.best_time)
res = -polynom / self.window_size**2
return res
def _mult_for_zone(self, alarm, disc_lines, env):
"""compute the multiplicative factor that increases the score if the right zone is predicted"""
res = 1.0
# extract the lines that have been disconnected due to cascading failures
lines_disconnected_first = (disc_lines == 0).nonzero()[0]
if (
alarm.sum() > 1
): # if we have more than one zone in the alarm, we cannot discrtiminate, no bonus points
return res
# extract the zones they belong too
zones_these_lines = set()
zone_for_each_lines = env.alarms_lines_area
for line_id in lines_disconnected_first:
line_name = env.name_line[line_id]
for zone_name in zone_for_each_lines[line_name]:
# now retrieve the id of the zones in which a powerline has been disconnected
list_zone_names = list(zones_these_lines)
list_zone_ids = (np.isin(env.alarms_area_names, list_zone_names)).nonzero()[0]
# and finally, award some extra points if one of the zone, containing one of the powerline disconnected
# by protection is in the alarm
if alarm[list_zone_ids].any():
res *= self.mult_for_right_zone
return res
def _points_for_alarm(self, step_alarm, alarm, step_game_over, disc_lines, env):
"""how much points are given for this specific alarm"""
is_alarm_used = False
score = self.reward_min
score_for_time = self._tmp_score_time(step_alarm, step_game_over)
if score_for_time != 0:
is_alarm_used = True # alarm is in the right time window
score = score_for_time
score *= (
self._mult_for_zone(alarm, disc_lines, env) / self.mult_for_right_zone
return score, is_alarm_used
[docs] def __call__(self, action, env, has_error, is_done, is_illegal, is_ambiguous):
if is_done:
if not has_error:
# agent went until the end
return self.reward_max
if np.all(env._disc_lines == -1):
# game over is not caused by the tripping of a powerline
return self.reward_min
if len(env._attention_budget._all_successful_alarms) == 0:
# no alarm have been sent, so it's the minimum
return self.reward_min
successfull_alarms = env._attention_budget._all_successful_alarms
step_game_over = env.nb_time_step
disc_lines = env._disc_lines
# so now i can consider the alarms.
best_score, is_alarm_used = self.reward_min, False
for alarm in successfull_alarms:
tmp_sc, tmp_is = self._points_for_alarm(
if tmp_sc > best_score:
best_score = tmp_sc
is_alarm_used = tmp_is
self.is_alarm_used = is_alarm_used
return best_score
res = self.reward_no_game_over
return res