Source code for grid2op.Chronics.multiFolder

# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, RTE (
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.

import os
import json
from typing import Union, Optional, Dict, Literal
import warnings
import numpy as np
from datetime import timedelta, datetime

import grid2op
from grid2op.dtypes import dt_int, dt_float
from grid2op.Exceptions import ChronicsNotFoundError, ChronicsError
from grid2op.Chronics.gridValue import GridValue
from grid2op.Chronics.gridStateFromFile import GridStateFromFile

[docs]class Multifolder(GridValue): """ The classes :class:`GridStateFromFile` and :class:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts` implemented the reading of a single folder representing a single episode. This class is here to "loop" between different episode. Each one being stored in a folder readable by :class:`GridStateFromFile` or one of its derivate (eg. :class:`GridStateFromFileWithForecasts`). Chronics are always read in the alpha-numeric order for this class. This means that if the folder is not modified, the data are always loaded in the same order, regardless of the :class:`grid2op.Backend`, :class:`grid2op.BaseAgent` or :class:`grid2op.Environment`. .. note:: Most grid2op environments, by default, use this type of "chronix", read from the hard drive. Attributes ----------- gridvalueClass: ``type``, optional Type of class used to read the data from the disk. It defaults to :class:`GridStateFromFile`. data: :class:`GridStateFromFile` Data that will be loaded and used to produced grid state and forecasted values. path: ``str`` Path where the folders of the episodes are stored. sep: ``str`` Columns separtor, forwarded to :attr:`` when it's built at the beginning of each episode. subpaths: ``list`` List of all the episode that can be "played". It's a sorted list of all the directory in :attr:`Multifolder.path`. Each one should contain data in a format that is readable by :attr:`MultiFolder.gridvalueClass`. """ MULTI_CHRONICS = True def __init__( self, path, time_interval=timedelta(minutes=5), start_datetime=datetime(year=2019, month=1, day=1), gridvalueClass=GridStateFromFile, sep=";", max_iter=-1, chunk_size=None, filter_func=None, **kwargs ): self._kwargs = kwargs GridValue.__init__( self, time_interval=time_interval, max_iter=max_iter, chunk_size=chunk_size, start_datetime=start_datetime, ) self.gridvalueClass = gridvalueClass = None self.path = os.path.abspath(path) self.sep = sep self.init_subpath() if len(self.subpaths) == 0: raise ChronicsNotFoundError( 'Not chronics are found in "{}". Make sure there are at least ' "1 chronics folder there.".format(self.path) ) # TODO clarify that # np.random.shuffle(self.subpaths) self.chunk_size = chunk_size # for saving self._order_backend_loads = None self._order_backend_prods = None self._order_backend_lines = None self._order_backend_subs = None self._names_chronics_to_backend = None # improving looping strategy if filter_func is None: self._filter = self._default_filter else: if not callable(filter_func): raise ChronicsError( "The filtering function you provided (" "kwargs: filter_func) is not callable." ) self._filter = filter_func self._prev_cache_id = 0 self._order = None
[docs] def init_subpath(self): """ Read the content of the main directory and initialize the `subpaths` where the data could be located. This is usefull, for example, if you generated data and want to be able to use them. **NB** this has no effect until :attr:`Multifolder.reset` is called. .. warning:: By default, it will only consider data that are present at creation time. If you add data after, you need to call this function (and do a reset) Examples --------- A "typical" usage of this function can be the following workflow. Start a script to train an agent (say ""): .. code-block:: python import os import grid2op from lightsim2grid import LightSimBackend # highly recommended for speed ! env_name = "l2rpn_wcci_2022" # only compatible with what comes next (at time of writing) env = grid2op.make(env_name, backend=LightSimBackend()) # now train an agent # see l2rpn_baselines package for more information, for example # from l2rpn_baselines.PPO_SB3 import train nb_iter = 10000 # train for that many iterations agent_name = "WhaetverIWant" # or any other name agent_path = os.path.expand("~") # or anywhere else on your computer trained_agent = train(env, iterations=nb_iter, name=agent_name, save_path=agent_path) On another script (say ""), you can generate more data: .. code-block:: python import grid2op env_name = "l2rpn_wcci_2022" # only compatible with what comes next (at time of writing) env = grid2op.make(env_name) env.generate_data(nb_year=50) # generates 50 years of data # (takes roughly 50s per week, around 45mins per year, in this case 50 * 45 mins = lots of minutes) Let the script to generate the data run normally (don't interupt it). And from time to time, in the script "" you can do: .. code-block:: python # reload the generated data env.chronics_handler.init_subpath() env.chronics_handler.reset() # retrain the agent taking into account new data trained_agent = train(env, iterations=nb_iter, name=agent_name, save_path=agent_path, load_path=agent_path ) # the script to generate data is still running, you can reload some data again env.chronics_handler.init_subpath() env.chronics_handler.reset() # retrain the agent trained_agent = train(env, iterations=nb_iter, name=agent_name, save_path=agent_path, load_path=agent_path ) # etc. Both scripts you run "at the same time" for it to work efficiently. To recap: - script "" will... generate data - these data will be reloaded from time to time by the script "" .. warning:: Do not delete data between calls to `env.chronics_handler.init_subpath()` and `env.chronics_handler.reset()`, and even less so during training ! If you want to delete data (for example not to overload your hard drive) you should remove them right before calling `env.chronics_handler.init_subpath()`. """ try: self.subpaths = [ os.path.join(self.path, el) for el in os.listdir(self.path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path, el)) and (el != "__pycache__") and (not el.startswith(".")) ] self.subpaths.sort() self.subpaths = np.array(self.subpaths) except FileNotFoundError as exc_: raise ChronicsError( 'Path "{}" doesn\'t exists.'.format(self.path) ) from exc_ self._order = None # to trigger a "reset" when chronix will next be loaded
[docs] def get_kwargs(self, dict_): if self._filter != self._default_filter: dict_["filter_func"] = self._filter
[docs] def available_chronics(self): """return the list of available chronics. Examples -------- # TODO """ return self.subpaths[self._order]
def _default_filter(self, x): """ default filter used at the initialization. It keeps only the first data encountered. """ return True
[docs] def set_filter(self, filter_fun): """ Assign a filtering function to remove some chronics from the next time a call to "reset_cache" is called. **NB** filter_fun is applied to all element of :attr:`Multifolder.subpaths`. If ``True`` then it will be put in cache, if ``False`` this data will NOT be put in the cache. **NB** this has no effect until :attr:`Multifolder.reset` is called. Examples -------- Let's assume in your chronics, the folder names are "Scenario_august_dummy", and "Scenario_february_dummy". For the sake of the example, we want the environment to loop only through the month of february, because why not. Then we can do the following: .. code-block:: python import re import grid2op env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_neurips_2020_track1", test=True) # don't add "test=True" if # you don't want to perform a test. # check at which month will belong each observation for i in range(10): obs = env.reset() print(obs.month) # it always alternatively prints "8" (if chronics if from august) or # "2" if chronics is from february) # to see where the chronics are located print(env.chronics_handler.subpaths) # keep only the month of february env.chronics_handler.set_filter(lambda path: re.match(".*february.*", path) is not None) env.chronics_handler.reset() # if you don't do that it will not have any effect for i in range(10): obs = env.reset() print(obs.month) # it always prints "2" (representing february) """ self._filter = filter_fun
[docs] def next_chronics(self): self._prev_cache_id += 1 # TODO implement the shuffling indeed. # if self._prev_cache_id >= len(self._order): # self.space_prng.shuffle(self._order) self._prev_cache_id %= len(self._order)
[docs] def sample_next_chronics(self, probabilities=None): """ This function should be called before "next_chronics". It can be used to sample non uniformly for the next next chronics. Parameters ----------- probabilities: ``np.ndarray`` Array of integer with the same size as the number of chronics in the cache. If it does not sum to one, it is rescaled such that it sums to one. Returns ------- selected: ``int`` The integer that was selected. Examples -------- Let's assume in your chronics, the folder names are "Scenario_august_dummy", and "Scenario_february_dummy". For the sake of the example, we want the environment to loop 75% of the time to the month of february and 25% of the time to the month of august. .. code-block:: python import grid2op env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_neurips_2020_track1", test=True) # don't add "test=True" if # you don't want to perform a test. # check at which month will belong each observation for i in range(10): obs = env.reset() print(obs.month) # it always alternatively prints "8" (if chronics if from august) or # "2" if chronics is from february) with a probability of 50% / 50% env.seed(0) # for reproducible experiment for i in range(10): _ = env.chronics_handler.sample_next_chronics([0.25, 0.75]) obs = env.reset() print(obs.month) # it prints "2" with probability 0.75 and "8" with probability 0.25 """ self._prev_cache_id = -1 if probabilities is None: probabilities = np.ones(self._order.shape[0]) try: probabilities = np.array(probabilities, dtype=dt_float) except Exception as exc_: raise ChronicsError("Impossible to convert the probablities given to an array of float") from exc_ sum_prob = probabilities.sum() if abs(sum_prob) <= 1e-5: raise ChronicsError("Impossible to use the given probabilities argument, it sums to 0. (or close enough to it)") # make sure it sums to 1 probabilities /= sum_prob # take one at "random" among these selected = self.space_prng.choice(self._order, p=probabilities) id_sel = (self._order == selected).nonzero()[0] self._prev_cache_id = selected - 1 return id_sel
[docs] def reset(self): """ Rebuilt the :attr:`Multifolder._order`. This should be called after a call to :func:`Multifolder.set_filter` is performed. .. warning:: This "reset" is different from the `env.reset`. It should be only called after the function to set the filtering function has been called. This "reset" only reset which chronics are used for the environment. Returns ------- new_order: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype: str The selected chronics paths after a call to this method. Notes ----- Except explicitly mentioned, for example by :func:`Multifolder.set_filter` you should not use this function. This will erased every selection of chronics, every shuffle etc. """ self._order = [] self._prev_cache_id = 0 for i, path in enumerate(self.subpaths): if not self._filter(path): continue self._order.append(i) if len(self._order) == 0: raise ChronicsError( 'Impossible to initialize the Multifolder. Your "filter_fun" filters out all the ' "possible scenarios." ) self._order = np.array(self._order) return self.subpaths[self._order]
def _get_nex_data(self, this_path): res = self.gridvalueClass( time_interval=self.time_interval, sep=self.sep, path=this_path, max_iter=self.max_iter, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, **self._kwargs ) return res
[docs] def initialize( self, order_backend_loads, order_backend_prods, order_backend_lines, order_backend_subs, names_chronics_to_backend=None, ): self._order_backend_loads = order_backend_loads self._order_backend_prods = order_backend_prods self._order_backend_lines = order_backend_lines self._order_backend_subs = order_backend_subs self._names_chronics_to_backend = names_chronics_to_backend self.n_gen = len(order_backend_prods) self.n_load = len(order_backend_loads) self.n_line = len(order_backend_lines) if self._order is None: # initialize the cache self.reset() id_scenario = self._order[self._prev_cache_id] this_path = self.subpaths[id_scenario] = self._get_nex_data(this_path) if self.seed is not None: max_int = np.iinfo(dt_int).max seed_chronics = self.space_prng.randint(max_int) order_backend_loads, order_backend_prods, order_backend_lines, order_backend_subs, names_chronics_to_backend=names_chronics_to_backend, ) if self.action_space is not None: = self.action_space self._max_iter =
[docs] def done(self): """ Tells the :class:`grid2op.Environment` if the episode is over. Returns ------- res: ``bool`` Whether or not the episode, represented by :attr:`` is over. """ return
[docs] def load_next(self): """ Load the next data from the current episode. It loads the next time step for the current episode. Returns ------- See the return type of :class:`GridStateFromFile.load_next` (or of :attr:`MultiFolder.gridvalueClass` if it has been changed) for more information. """ return
[docs] def check_validity(self, backend): """ This method check that the data loaded can be properly read and understood by the :class:`grid2op.Backend`. Parameters ---------- backend: :class:`grid2op.Backend` The backend used for the experiment. Returns ------- See the return type of :class:`GridStateFromFile.check_validity` (or of :attr:`MultiFolder.gridvalueClass` if it has been changed) for more information. """ return
[docs] def forecasts(self): """ The representation of the forecasted grid state(s), if any. Returns ------- See the return type of :class:`GridStateFromFile.forecasts` (or of :attr:`MultiFolder.gridvalueClass` if it has been changed) for more information. """ return
[docs] def tell_id(self, id_num, previous=False): """ This tells this chronics to load for the next episode. By default, if id_num is greater than the number of episode, it is equivalent at restarting from the first one: episode are played indefinitely in the same order. Parameters ---------- id_num: ``int`` | ``str`` Id of the chronics to load. previous: Do you want to set to the previous value of this one or not (note that in general you want to set to the previous value, as calling this function as an impact only after `env.reset()` is called) """ if isinstance(id_num, str): # new accepted behaviour starting 1.6.4 # new in version 1.6.5: you only need to specify the chronics folder id and not the full path found = False for internal_id_, number in enumerate(self._order): if ( self.subpaths[number] == id_num or os.path.join(self.path, id_num) == self.subpaths[number] ): self._prev_cache_id = internal_id_ found = True if not found: raise ChronicsError( f'Impossible to find the chronics with id "{id_num}". The call to ' f"`env.chronics_handler.tell_id(...)` cannot be performed." ) else: # default behaviour prior to 1.6.4 self._prev_cache_id = id_num self._prev_cache_id %= len(self._order) if previous: self._prev_cache_id -= 1 self._prev_cache_id %= len(self._order)
[docs] def get_id(self) -> str: """ Full absolute path of the current folder used for the current episode. Returns ------- res: ``str`` Path from which the data are generated for the current episode. """ return self.subpaths[self._order[self._prev_cache_id]]
[docs] def max_timestep(self): return
[docs] def shuffle(self, shuffler=None): """ This method is used to have a better control on the order in which the subfolder containing the episode are processed. It can focus the evaluation on one specific folder, shuffle the folders, use only a subset of them etc. See the examples for more information. Parameters ---------- shuffler: ``object`` Shuffler should be a function that is called on :attr:`MultiFolder.subpaths` that will shuffle them. It can also be used to remove some path if needed (see example). Returns -------- new_order: ``numpy.ndarray``, dtype: str The order in which the chronics will be looped through Examples --------- If you want to simply shuffle the data you can do: .. code-block:: python # create an environment import numpy as np import grid2op env_name = "l2rpn_case14_sandbox" env = grid2op.make(env_name) # shuffle the chronics (uniformly at random, without duplication) env.chronics_handler.shuffle() # use the environment as you want, here do 10 episode with the selected data for i in range(10): obs = env.reset() print(f"Path of the chronics used: {}") done = False while not done: act = ... obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) # re shuffle them (still uniformly at random, without duplication) env.chronics_handler.shuffle() # use the environment as you want, here do 10 episode with the selected data for i in range(10): obs = env.reset() print(f"Path of the chronics used: {}") done = False while not done: act = ... obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) If you want to use only a subset of the path, say for example the path with index 1, 5, and 6 .. code-block:: python # create an environment import numpy as np import grid2op env_name = "l2rpn_case14_sandbox" env = grid2op.make(env_name) # select the chronics (here 5 at random amongst the 10 "last" chronics of the environment) nb_chron = len(env.chronics_handler.chronics_used) chron_id_to_keep = np.random.choice(np.arange(nb_chron - 10, nb_chron), size=5, replace=True) env.chronics_handler.shuffle(lambda x: chron_id_to_keep) # use the environment as you want, here do 10 episode with the selected data for i in range(10): obs = env.reset() print(f"Path of the chronics used: {}") done = False while not done: act = ... obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) # re shuffle them (uniformly at random, without duplication, among the chronics "selected" above.) env.chronics_handler.shuffle() # use the environment as you want, here do 10 episode with the selected data for i in range(10): obs = env.reset() print(f"Path of the chronics used: {}") done = False while not done: act = ... obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act) .. warning:: Though it is possible to use this "shuffle" function to only use some chronics, we highly recommend you to have a look at the sections :ref:`environment-module-chronics-info` or :ref:`environment-module-train-val-test`. It is likely that you will find better way to do what you want to do there. Use this last example with care then. .. warning:: As stated on the :func:`MultiFolder.reset`, any call to `env.chronics_handler.reset` will remove anything related to shuffling, including the selection of chronics ! """ if shuffler is None: def shuffler(x): return x[self.space_prng.choice(len(x), size=len(x), replace=False)] self._order = 1 * shuffler(self._order) return self.subpaths[self._order]
@property def chronics_used(self): """return the full path of the chronics currently in use.""" return self.subpaths[self._order]
[docs] def set_chunk_size(self, new_chunk_size): self.chunk_size = new_chunk_size
[docs] def split_and_save(self, datetime_beg, datetime_end, path_out): """ This function allows you to split the data (keeping only the data between datetime_beg and datetime_end) and to save it on your local machine. This is espacially handy if you want to extract only a piece of the dataset we provide for example. Parameters ---------- datetime_beg: ``dict`` Keys are the name id of the scenarios you want to save. Values are the corresponding starting date and time (in "%Y-%m-ùd %H:%M" format). See example for more information. datetime_end: ``dict`` keys must be the same as in the "datetime_beg" argument. See example for more information path_out: ``str`` The path were the data will be stored. Examples --------- Here is a short example on how to use it .. code-block:: python import grid2op import os env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox") env.chronics_handler.real_data.split_and_save({"004": "2019-01-08 02:00", "005": "2019-01-30 08:00", "006": "2019-01-17 00:00", "007": "2019-01-17 01:00", "008": "2019-01-21 09:00", "009": "2019-01-22 12:00", "010": "2019-01-27 19:00", "011": "2019-01-15 12:00", "012": "2019-01-08 13:00", "013": "2019-01-22 00:00"}, {"004": "2019-01-11 02:00", "005": "2019-02-01 08:00", "006": "2019-01-18 00:00", "007": "2019-01-18 01:00", "008": "2019-01-22 09:00", "009": "2019-01-24 12:00", "010": "2019-01-29 19:00", "011": "2019-01-17 12:00", "012": "2019-01-10 13:00", "013": "2019-01-24 00:00"}, path_out=os.path.join("/tmp")) """ if not isinstance(datetime_beg, dict): datetime_beg_orig = datetime_beg datetime_beg = {} for subpath in self.subpaths: id_this_chron = os.path.split(subpath)[-1] datetime_beg[id_this_chron] = datetime_beg_orig if not isinstance(datetime_end, dict): datetime_end_orig = datetime_end datetime_end = {} for subpath in self.subpaths: id_this_chron = os.path.split(subpath)[-1] datetime_end[id_this_chron] = datetime_end_orig seed_chronics_all = {} for subpath in self.subpaths: id_this_chron = os.path.split(subpath)[-1] if not id_this_chron in datetime_beg: continue tmp = self.gridvalueClass( time_interval=self.time_interval, sep=self.sep, path=subpath, max_iter=self._max_iter, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, ) seed_chronics = None if self.seed is not None: max_int = np.iinfo(dt_int).max seed_chronics = self.space_prng.randint(max_int) tmp.seed(seed_chronics) seed_chronics_all[subpath] = seed_chronics tmp.initialize( self._order_backend_loads, self._order_backend_prods, self._order_backend_lines, self._order_backend_subs, self._names_chronics_to_backend, ) path_out_chron = os.path.join(path_out, id_this_chron) tmp.split_and_save( datetime_beg[id_this_chron], datetime_end[id_this_chron], path_out_chron ) meta_params = {} meta_params["datetime_beg"] = datetime_beg meta_params["datetime_end"] = datetime_end meta_params["path_out"] = path_out meta_params["all_seeds"] = seed_chronics_all try: with open( os.path.join(path_out, "split_and_save_meta_params.json"), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: json.dump(obj=meta_params, fp=f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) except Exception as exc_: warnings.warn( 'Impossible to save the "metadata" for the chronics with error:\n"{}"' "".format(exc_) )
[docs] def fast_forward(self, nb_timestep):
[docs] def get_init_action(self, names_chronics_to_backend: Optional[Dict[Literal["loads", "prods", "lines"], Dict[str, str]]]=None) -> Union["grid2op.Action.playableAction.PlayableAction", None]: return
[docs] def cleanup_action_space(self): super().cleanup_action_space() if is None: return