# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, RTE (https://www.rte-france.com)
# See AUTHORS.txt
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
# If a copy of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 was not distributed with this file,
# you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.
import os # load the python os default module
import sys # laod the python sys default module
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple
import pandapower as pp
import scipy
# check that pandapower does not introduce some
from packaging import version
import grid2op
from grid2op.dtypes import dt_int, dt_float, dt_bool
from grid2op.Action import BaseAction
from grid2op.Exceptions import BackendError
from grid2op.Backend.backend import Backend
MIN_LS_VERSION_VM_PU = version.parse("0.6.0")
import numba
NUMBA_ = True
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
NUMBA_ = False
"Numba cannot be loaded. You will gain possibly massive speed if installing it by "
"\n\t{} -m pip install numba\n".format(sys.executable)
[docs]class PandaPowerBackend(Backend):
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
If you want to code a backend to use grid2op with another powerflow, you can get inspired
from this class. Note However that implies knowing the behaviour
of PandaPower.
This module presents an example of an implementation of a `grid2op.Backend` when using the powerflow
implementation "pandapower" available at `PandaPower <https://www.pandapower.org/>`_ for more details about
this backend. This file is provided as an example of a proper :class:`grid2op.Backend.Backend` implementation.
This backend currently does not work with 3 winding transformers and other exotic object.
As explained in the `grid2op.Backend` module, every module must inherit the `grid2op.Backend` class.
This class have more attributes that are used internally for faster information retrieval.
prod_pu_to_kv: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The ratio that allow the conversion from pair-unit to kv for the generators
load_pu_to_kv: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The ratio that allow the conversion from pair-unit to kv for the loads
lines_or_pu_to_kv: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The ratio that allow the conversion from pair-unit to kv for the origin side of the powerlines
lines_ex_pu_to_kv: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The ratio that allow the conversion from pair-unit to kv for the extremity side of the powerlines
p_or: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The active power flowing at the origin side of each powerline
q_or: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The reactive power flowing at the origin side of each powerline
v_or: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The voltage magnitude at the origin bus of the powerline
a_or: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The current flowing at the origin side of each powerline
p_ex: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The active power flowing at the extremity side of each powerline
q_ex: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The reactive power flowing at the extremity side of each powerline
a_ex: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The current flowing at the extremity side of each powerline
v_ex: :class:`numpy.array`, dtype:float
The voltage magnitude at the extremity bus of the powerline
The only recommended way to use this class is by passing an instance of a Backend into the "make"
function of grid2op. Do not attempt to use a backend outside of this specific usage.
.. code-block:: python
import grid2op
from grid2op.Backend import PandaPowerBackend
backend = PandaPowerBackend()
env = grid2op.make(backend=backend)
# and use "env" as "any open ai gym" environment.
shunts_data_available = True
[docs] def __init__(
detailed_infos_for_cascading_failures : bool=False,
lightsim2grid : bool=False, # use lightsim2grid as pandapower powerflow solver
dist_slack : bool=False,
max_iter : int=10,
can_be_copied: bool=True,
with_numba: bool=NUMBA_,
from grid2op.MakeEnv.Make import _force_test_dataset
if _force_test_dataset():
if with_numba:
warnings.warn(f"Forcing `test=True` will disable numba for {type(self)}")
with_numba = False
self.with_numba : bool = with_numba
self.prod_pu_to_kv : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.load_pu_to_kv : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.lines_or_pu_to_kv : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.lines_ex_pu_to_kv : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.storage_pu_to_kv : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.p_or : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.q_or : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.v_or : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.a_or : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.p_ex : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.q_ex : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.v_ex : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.a_ex : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.load_p : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.load_q : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.load_v : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.storage_p : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.storage_q : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.storage_v : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.prod_p : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.prod_q : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.prod_v : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.line_status : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._pf_init : str = "flat"
self._pf_init : str = "results"
self._nb_bus_before : Optional[int] = None # number of active bus at the preceeding step
self.thermal_limit_a : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._iref_slack : Optional[int] = None
self._id_bus_added : Optional[int] = None
self._fact_mult_gen : int = -1
self._what_object_where = None
self._number_true_line = -1
self._corresp_name_fun = {}
self._get_vector_inj = {}
self._vars_action = BaseAction.attr_list_vect
self._vars_action_set = BaseAction.attr_list_vect
self.cst_1 = dt_float(1.0)
self._topo_vect = None
self.slack_id = None
# function to rstore some information
self.__nb_bus_before = None # number of substation in the powergrid
self.__nb_powerline = (
None # number of powerline (real powerline, not transformer)
self._init_bus_load = None
self._init_bus_gen = None
self._init_bus_lor = None
self._init_bus_lex = None
self._get_vector_inj = None
self._big_topo_to_obj = None
self._big_topo_to_backend = None
self.__pp_backend_initial_grid = None # initial state to facilitate the "reset"
# Mapping some fun to apply bus updates
self._type_to_bus_set = [
self.tol = None # this is NOT the pandapower tolerance !!!! this is used to check if a storage unit
# produce / absorbs anything
# TODO storage doc (in grid2op rst) of the backend
self.can_output_theta = True # I support the voltage angle
self.theta_or : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.theta_ex : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.load_theta : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.gen_theta : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.storage_theta : Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._lightsim2grid : bool = lightsim2grid
self._dist_slack : bool = dist_slack
self._max_iter : bool = max_iter
self._in_service_line_col_id = None
self._in_service_trafo_col_id = None
self._in_service_storage_cold_id = None
self.div_exception = None
[docs] def _check_for_non_modeled_elements(self):
"""This function check for elements in the pandapower grid that will have no impact on grid2op.
See the full list of grid2op modeled elements in :ref:`modeled-elements-module`
for el_nm in [
if el_nm in self._grid:
if self._grid[el_nm].shape[0]:
f'There are "{el_nm}" in the pandapower grid. These '
f"elements are not modeled on grid2op side (the environment will "
f"work, but you won't be able to modify them)."
[docs] def get_theta(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
TODO doc
theta_or: ``numpy.ndarray``
For each orgin side of powerline, gives the voltage angle (in degree)
theta_ex: ``numpy.ndarray``
For each extremity side of powerline, gives the voltage angle (in degree)
load_theta: ``numpy.ndarray``
Gives the voltage angle (in degree) to the bus at which each load is connected
gen_theta: ``numpy.ndarray``
Gives the voltage angle (in degree) to the bus at which each generator is connected
storage_theta: ``numpy.ndarray``
Gives the voltage angle (in degree) to the bus at which each storage unit is connected
return (
self.cst_1 * self.theta_or,
self.cst_1 * self.theta_ex,
self.cst_1 * self.load_theta,
self.cst_1 * self.gen_theta,
self.cst_1 * self.storage_theta,
[docs] def get_nb_active_bus(self) -> int:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
Compute the amount of buses "in service" eg with at least a powerline connected to it.
res: :class:`int`
The total number of active buses.
return self._grid.bus["in_service"].sum()
def _load_grid_load_p_mw(grid) -> pd.Series:
return grid.load["p_mw"]
def _load_grid_load_q_mvar(grid) -> pd.Series:
return grid.load["q_mvar"]
def _load_grid_gen_p_mw(grid) -> pd.Series:
return grid.gen["p_mw"]
def _load_grid_gen_vm_pu(grid) -> pd.Series:
return grid.gen["vm_pu"]
[docs] def reset(self,
path : Union[os.PathLike, str],
grid_filename : Optional[Union[os.PathLike, str]]=None) -> None:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
Reload the grid.
For pandapower, it is a bit faster to store of a copy of itself at the end of load_grid
and deep_copy it to itself instead of calling load_grid again
# Assign the content of itself as saved at the end of load_grid
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
self._grid = copy.deepcopy(self.__pp_backend_initial_grid)
self._topo_vect[:] = self._get_topo_vect()
self.comp_time = 0.0
[docs] def load_grid(self,
path : Union[os.PathLike, str],
filename : Optional[Union[os.PathLike, str]]=None) -> None:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
Load the _grid, and initialize all the member of the class. Note that in order to perform topological
modification of the substation of the underlying powergrid, some buses are added to the test case loaded. They
are set as "out of service" unless a topological action acts on these specific substations.
full_path = self.make_complete_path(path, filename)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# remove deprecationg warnings for old version of pandapower
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
self._grid = pp.from_json(full_path)
# add the slack bus that is often not modeled as a generator, but i need it for this backend to work
bus_gen_added = None
i_ref = None
self._iref_slack = None
self._id_bus_added = None
self._aux_run_pf_init() # run an intiail powerflow, just in case
new_pp_version = False
if not "slack_weight" in self._grid.gen:
self._grid.gen["slack_weight"] = 1.0
new_pp_version = True
if np.all(~self._grid.gen["slack"]):
# there are not defined slack bus on the data, i need to hack it up a little bit
pd2ppc = self._grid._pd2ppc_lookups["bus"] # pd2ppc[pd_id] = ppc_id
ppc2pd = np.argsort(pd2ppc) # ppc2pd[ppc_id] = pd_id
for gen_id_pp, el in enumerate(self._grid._ppc["gen"][:, 0]):
if (
not in self._grid._pd2ppc_lookups["bus"][
if bus_gen_added is not None:
# TODO handle better when distributed slack bus
# raise RuntimeError("Impossible to recognize the powergrid")
"Your grid has a distributed slack bus. Just so you know, it is not"
"fully supported at the moment. (it will be converted to a single slack bus)"
bus_gen_added = ppc2pd[int(el)]
# see https://matpower.org/docs/ref/matpower5.0/idx_gen.html for details on the comprehension of self._grid._ppc
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# some warnings are issued depending on pp and pandas version
if new_pp_version:
id_added = pp.create_gen(
p_mw=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 1],
vm_pu=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 5],
min_p_mw=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 9],
max_p_mw=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 8],
max_q_mvar=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 3],
min_q_mvar=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 4],
slack=i_ref is None,
id_added = pp.create_gen(
p_mw=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 1],
vm_pu=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 5],
min_p_mw=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 9],
max_p_mw=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 8],
max_q_mvar=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 3],
min_q_mvar=self._grid._ppc["gen"][gen_id_pp, 4],
slack=i_ref is None,
if i_ref is None:
i_ref = gen_id_pp
self._iref_slack = i_ref
self._id_bus_added = id_added # self._grid.gen.shape[0]
# TODO here i force the distributed slack bus too, by removing the other from the ext_grid...
self._grid.ext_grid = self._grid.ext_grid.iloc[:1]
self.slack_id = (self._grid.gen["slack"].values).nonzero()[0]
self._aux_run_pf_init() # run another powerflow with the added generator
self.__nb_bus_before = self._grid.bus.shape[0]
self.__nb_powerline = self._grid.line.shape[0]
self._init_bus_load = self.cst_1 * self._grid.load["bus"].values
self._init_bus_gen = self.cst_1 * self._grid.gen["bus"].values
self._init_bus_lor = self.cst_1 * self._grid.line["from_bus"].values
self._init_bus_lex = self.cst_1 * self._grid.line["to_bus"].values
t_for = self.cst_1 * self._grid.trafo["hv_bus"].values
t_fex = self.cst_1 * self._grid.trafo["lv_bus"].values
self._init_bus_lor = np.concatenate((self._init_bus_lor, t_for)).astype(dt_int)
self._init_bus_lex = np.concatenate((self._init_bus_lex, t_fex)).astype(dt_int)
self._grid["ext_grid"]["va_degree"] = 0.0
# this has the effect to divide by 2 the active power in the added generator, if this generator and the "slack bus"
# one are connected to the same bus.
# if not, it must not be done. So basically, i create a vector for which p and q for generator must be multiply
self._fact_mult_gen = np.ones(self._grid.gen.shape[0])
# self._fact_mult_gen[-1] += 1
# now extract the powergrid
self.n_line = copy.deepcopy(self._grid.line.shape[0]) + copy.deepcopy(
if (
"name" in self._grid.line.columns
and not self._grid.line["name"].isnull().values.any()
self.name_line = [name for name in self._grid.line["name"]]
self.name_line = [
"{from_bus}_{to_bus}_{id_powerline_me}".format(**row, id_powerline_me=i)
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.line.iterrows())
if (
"name" in self._grid.trafo.columns
and not self._grid.trafo["name"].isnull().values.any()
self.name_line += [name_traf for name_traf in self._grid.trafo["name"]]
transfo = [
("{hv_bus}".format(**row), "{lv_bus}".format(**row))
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.trafo.iterrows())
transfo = [sorted(el) for el in transfo]
self.name_line += [
"{}_{}_{}".format(*el, i + self._grid.line.shape[0])
for i, el in enumerate(transfo)
self.name_line = np.array(self.name_line)
self.n_gen = copy.deepcopy(self._grid.gen.shape[0])
if (
"name" in self._grid.gen.columns
and not self._grid.gen["name"].isnull().values.any()
self.name_gen = [name_g for name_g in self._grid.gen["name"]]
self.name_gen = [
"gen_{bus}_{index_gen}".format(**row, index_gen=i)
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.gen.iterrows())
self.name_gen = np.array(self.name_gen)
self.n_load = copy.deepcopy(self._grid.load.shape[0])
if (
"name" in self._grid.load.columns
and not self._grid.load["name"].isnull().values.any()
self.name_load = [nl for nl in self._grid.load["name"]]
self.name_load = [
"load_{bus}_{index_load}".format(**row, index_load=i)
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.load.iterrows())
self.name_load = np.array(self.name_load)
self.n_storage = copy.deepcopy(self._grid.storage.shape[0])
if self.n_storage == 0:
if (
"name" in self._grid.storage.columns
and not self._grid.storage["name"].isnull().values.any()
self.name_storage = [nl for nl in self._grid.storage["name"]]
self.name_storage = [
"storage_{bus}_{index_sto}".format(**row, index_sto=i)
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.storage.iterrows())
self.name_storage = np.array(self.name_storage)
self.n_sub = copy.deepcopy(self._grid.bus.shape[0])
self.name_sub = ["sub_{}".format(i) for i, row in self._grid.bus.iterrows()]
self.name_sub = np.array(self.name_sub)
if type(self).shunts_data_available:
self.n_shunt = self._grid.shunt.shape[0]
self.n_shunt = None
# "hack" to handle topological changes, for now only 2 buses per substation
add_topo = copy.deepcopy(self._grid.bus)
# TODO n_busbar: what if non contiguous indexing ???
for _ in range(self.n_busbar_per_sub - 1): # self.n_busbar_per_sub and not type(self) here otherwise it erases can_handle_more_than_2_busbar / cannot_handle_more_than_2_busbar
add_topo.index += add_topo.shape[0]
add_topo["in_service"] = False
for ind, el in add_topo.iterrows():
pp.create_bus(self._grid, index=ind, **el)
self._aux_run_pf_init() # run yet another powerflow with the added buses
# do this at the end
self._in_service_line_col_id = int((self._grid.line.columns == "in_service").nonzero()[0][0])
self._in_service_trafo_col_id = int((self._grid.trafo.columns == "in_service").nonzero()[0][0])
self._in_service_storage_cold_id = int((self._grid.storage.columns == "in_service").nonzero()[0][0])
self.comp_time = 0.
# hack for backward compat with oldest lightsim2grid version
import lightsim2grid
if version.parse(lightsim2grid.__version__) < MIN_LS_VERSION_VM_PU:
warnings.warn("You are using a really old version of lightsim2grid. Consider upgrading.")
if "_options" in self._grid and "init_vm_pu" in self._grid["_options"]:
except ValueError as exc_:
# we delete it because lightsim2grid uses it
# to init its internal "GridModel" and did not check that
# this is a float until MIN_LS_VERSION_VM_PU
del self._grid["_options"]["init_vm_pu"]
except ImportError:
# lightsim2grid is not installed, so no risk to contaminate it
[docs] def _aux_run_pf_init(self):
"""run a powerflow when the file is being loaded. This is called three times for each call to "load_grid" """
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if not self._grid.converged:
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged
except pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged:
def _init_private_attrs(self) -> None:
# number of elements per substation
self.sub_info = np.zeros(self.n_sub, dtype=dt_int)
self.load_to_subid = np.zeros(self.n_load, dtype=dt_int)
self.gen_to_subid = np.zeros(self.n_gen, dtype=dt_int)
self.line_or_to_subid = np.zeros(self.n_line, dtype=dt_int)
self.line_ex_to_subid = np.zeros(self.n_line, dtype=dt_int)
self.load_to_sub_pos = np.zeros(self.n_load, dtype=dt_int)
self.gen_to_sub_pos = np.zeros(self.n_gen, dtype=dt_int)
self.line_or_to_sub_pos = np.zeros(self.n_line, dtype=dt_int)
self.line_ex_to_sub_pos = np.zeros(self.n_line, dtype=dt_int)
if self.n_storage > 0:
self.storage_to_subid = np.zeros(self.n_storage, dtype=dt_int)
self.storage_to_sub_pos = np.zeros(self.n_storage, dtype=dt_int)
pos_already_used = np.zeros(self.n_sub, dtype=dt_int)
self._what_object_where = [[] for _ in range(self.n_sub)]
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.line.iterrows()):
sub_or_id = int(row["from_bus"])
sub_ex_id = int(row["to_bus"])
self.sub_info[sub_or_id] += 1
self.sub_info[sub_ex_id] += 1
self.line_or_to_subid[i] = sub_or_id
self.line_ex_to_subid[i] = sub_ex_id
self.line_or_to_sub_pos[i] = pos_already_used[sub_or_id]
pos_already_used[sub_or_id] += 1
self.line_ex_to_sub_pos[i] = pos_already_used[sub_ex_id]
pos_already_used[sub_ex_id] += 1
self._what_object_where[sub_or_id].append(("line", "from_bus", i))
self._what_object_where[sub_ex_id].append(("line", "to_bus", i))
lag_transfo = self._grid.line.shape[0]
self._number_true_line = copy.deepcopy(self._grid.line.shape[0])
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.trafo.iterrows()):
sub_or_id = int(row["hv_bus"])
sub_ex_id = int(row["lv_bus"])
self.sub_info[sub_or_id] += 1
self.sub_info[sub_ex_id] += 1
self.line_or_to_subid[i + lag_transfo] = sub_or_id
self.line_ex_to_subid[i + lag_transfo] = sub_ex_id
self.line_or_to_sub_pos[i + lag_transfo] = pos_already_used[sub_or_id]
pos_already_used[sub_or_id] += 1
self.line_ex_to_sub_pos[i + lag_transfo] = pos_already_used[sub_ex_id]
pos_already_used[sub_ex_id] += 1
self._what_object_where[sub_or_id].append(("trafo", "hv_bus", i))
self._what_object_where[sub_ex_id].append(("trafo", "lv_bus", i))
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.gen.iterrows()):
sub_id = int(row["bus"])
self.sub_info[sub_id] += 1
self.gen_to_subid[i] = sub_id
self.gen_to_sub_pos[i] = pos_already_used[sub_id]
pos_already_used[sub_id] += 1
self._what_object_where[sub_id].append(("gen", "bus", i))
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.load.iterrows()):
sub_id = int(row["bus"])
self.sub_info[sub_id] += 1
self.load_to_subid[i] = sub_id
self.load_to_sub_pos[i] = pos_already_used[sub_id]
pos_already_used[sub_id] += 1
self._what_object_where[sub_id].append(("load", "bus", i))
if self.n_storage > 0:
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.storage.iterrows()):
sub_id = int(row["bus"])
self.sub_info[sub_id] += 1
self.storage_to_subid[i] = sub_id
self.storage_to_sub_pos[i] = pos_already_used[sub_id]
pos_already_used[sub_id] += 1
self._what_object_where[sub_id].append(("storage", "bus", i))
self.dim_topo = self.sub_info.sum()
# shunts data
if type(self).shunts_data_available:
self.shunt_to_subid = np.zeros(self.n_shunt, dtype=dt_int) - 1
name_shunt = []
# TODO read name from the grid if provided
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(self._grid.shunt.iterrows()):
bus = int(row["bus"])
name_shunt.append("shunt_{bus}_{index_shunt}".format(**row, index_shunt=i))
self.shunt_to_subid[i] = bus
self.name_shunt = np.array(name_shunt).astype(str)
self._sh_vnkv = self._grid.bus["vn_kv"][self.shunt_to_subid].values.astype(
# utilities for imeplementing apply_action
self._corresp_name_fun = {}
self._get_vector_inj = {}
] = self._load_grid_load_p_mw # lambda grid: grid.load["p_mw"]
] = self._load_grid_load_q_mvar # lambda grid: grid.load["q_mvar"]
] = self._load_grid_gen_p_mw # lambda grid: grid.gen["p_mw"]
] = self._load_grid_gen_vm_pu # lambda grid: grid.gen["vm_pu"]
self.load_pu_to_kv = 1. * self._grid.bus["vn_kv"][self.load_to_subid].values.astype(
self.prod_pu_to_kv = 1. * self._grid.bus["vn_kv"][self.gen_to_subid].values.astype(
self.lines_or_pu_to_kv = 1. * self._grid.bus["vn_kv"][
self.lines_ex_pu_to_kv = 1. * self._grid.bus["vn_kv"][
self.storage_pu_to_kv = 1. * self._grid.bus["vn_kv"][
self.thermal_limit_a = 1000. * np.concatenate(
/ (np.sqrt(3) * self._grid.trafo["vn_hv_kv"].values),
self.thermal_limit_a = self.thermal_limit_a.astype(dt_float)
self.p_or = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.q_or = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.v_or = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.a_or = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.p_ex = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.q_ex = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.v_ex = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.a_ex = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.line_status = np.full(self.n_line, dtype=dt_bool, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.load_p = np.full(self.n_load, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.load_q = np.full(self.n_load, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.load_v = np.full(self.n_load, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.prod_p = np.full(self.n_gen, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.prod_v = np.full(self.n_gen, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.prod_q = np.full(self.n_gen, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.storage_p = np.full(self.n_storage, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.storage_q = np.full(self.n_storage, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.storage_v = np.full(self.n_storage, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self._nb_bus_before = None
# store the topoid -> objid
self._big_topo_to_obj = [(None, None) for _ in range(self.dim_topo)]
nm_ = "load"
for load_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.load_pos_topo_vect):
self._big_topo_to_obj[pos_big_topo] = (load_id, nm_)
nm_ = "gen"
for gen_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.gen_pos_topo_vect):
self._big_topo_to_obj[pos_big_topo] = (gen_id, nm_)
nm_ = "lineor"
for l_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.line_or_pos_topo_vect):
self._big_topo_to_obj[pos_big_topo] = (l_id, nm_)
nm_ = "lineex"
for l_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect):
self._big_topo_to_obj[pos_big_topo] = (l_id, nm_)
# store the topoid -> objid
self._big_topo_to_backend = [(None, None, None) for _ in range(self.dim_topo)]
for load_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.load_pos_topo_vect):
self._big_topo_to_backend[pos_big_topo] = (load_id, load_id, 0)
for gen_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.gen_pos_topo_vect):
self._big_topo_to_backend[pos_big_topo] = (gen_id, gen_id, 1)
for l_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.line_or_pos_topo_vect):
if l_id < self.__nb_powerline:
self._big_topo_to_backend[pos_big_topo] = (l_id, l_id, 2)
self._big_topo_to_backend[pos_big_topo] = (
l_id - self.__nb_powerline,
for l_id, pos_big_topo in enumerate(self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect):
if l_id < self.__nb_powerline:
self._big_topo_to_backend[pos_big_topo] = (l_id, l_id, 4)
self._big_topo_to_backend[pos_big_topo] = (
l_id - self.__nb_powerline,
self.theta_or = np.full(self.n_line, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=dt_float)
self.theta_ex = np.full(self.n_line, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=dt_float)
self.load_theta = np.full(self.n_load, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=dt_float)
self.gen_theta = np.full(self.n_gen, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=dt_float)
self.storage_theta = np.full(self.n_storage, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=dt_float)
self._topo_vect = self._get_topo_vect()
self.tol = 1e-5 # this is NOT the pandapower tolerance !!!! this is used to check if a storage unit
# produce / absorbs anything
# Create a deep copy of itself in the initial state
# Store it under super private attribute
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# raised on some versions of pandapower / pandas
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
self.__pp_backend_initial_grid = copy.deepcopy(
) # will be initialized in the "assert_grid_correct"
[docs] def storage_deact_for_backward_comaptibility(self) -> None:
cls = type(self)
self.storage_theta = np.full(cls.n_storage, fill_value=np.NaN, dtype=dt_float)
self.storage_p = np.full(cls.n_storage, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.storage_q = np.full(cls.n_storage, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self.storage_v = np.full(cls.n_storage, dtype=dt_float, fill_value=np.NaN)
self._topo_vect = self._get_topo_vect()
[docs] def _convert_id_topo(self, id_big_topo):
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
convert an id of the big topo vector into:
- the id of the object in its "only object" (eg if id_big_topo represents load 2, then it will be 2)
- the type of object among: "load", "gen", "lineor" and "lineex"
return self._big_topo_to_obj[id_big_topo]
[docs] def apply_action(self, backendAction: Union["grid2op.Action._backendAction._BackendAction", None]) -> None:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
Specific implementation of the method to apply an action modifying a powergrid in the pandapower format.
if backendAction is None:
cls = type(self)
(prod_p, prod_v, load_p, load_q, storage),
) = backendAction()
# handle bus status
self._grid.bus["in_service"] = pd.Series(data=active_bus.T.reshape(-1),
index=np.arange(cls.n_sub * cls.n_busbar_per_sub),
# TODO n_busbar what if index is not continuous
# handle generators
tmp_prod_p = self._get_vector_inj["prod_p"](self._grid)
if (prod_p.changed).any():
tmp_prod_p.iloc[prod_p.changed] = prod_p.values[prod_p.changed]
tmp_prod_v = self._get_vector_inj["prod_v"](self._grid)
if (prod_v.changed).any():
tmp_prod_v.iloc[prod_v.changed] = (
prod_v.values[prod_v.changed] / self.prod_pu_to_kv[prod_v.changed]
if self._id_bus_added is not None and prod_v.changed[self._id_bus_added]:
# handling of the slack bus, where "2" generators are present.
self._grid["ext_grid"]["vm_pu"] = 1.0 * tmp_prod_v[self._id_bus_added]
tmp_load_p = self._get_vector_inj["load_p"](self._grid)
if (load_p.changed).any():
tmp_load_p.iloc[load_p.changed] = load_p.values[load_p.changed]
tmp_load_q = self._get_vector_inj["load_q"](self._grid)
if (load_q.changed).any():
tmp_load_q.iloc[load_q.changed] = load_q.values[load_q.changed]
if cls.n_storage > 0:
# active setpoint
tmp_stor_p = self._grid.storage["p_mw"]
if (storage.changed).any():
tmp_stor_p.iloc[storage.changed] = storage.values[storage.changed]
# topology of the storage
stor_bus = backendAction.get_storages_bus()
new_bus_num = dt_int(1) * self._grid.storage["bus"].values
new_bus_id = stor_bus.values[stor_bus.changed]
new_bus_num[stor_bus.changed] = cls.local_bus_to_global(new_bus_id, cls.storage_to_subid[stor_bus.changed])
deactivated = new_bus_num <= -1
deact_and_changed = deactivated & stor_bus.changed
new_bus_num[deact_and_changed] = cls.storage_to_subid[deact_and_changed]
self._grid.storage.loc[stor_bus.changed & deactivated, "in_service"] = False
self._grid.storage.loc[stor_bus.changed & ~deactivated, "in_service"] = True
self._grid.storage["bus"] = new_bus_num
self._topo_vect[cls.storage_pos_topo_vect[stor_bus.changed]] = new_bus_id
] = -1
if type(backendAction).shunts_data_available:
shunt_p, shunt_q, shunt_bus = shunts__
if (shunt_p.changed).any():
self._grid.shunt["p_mw"].iloc[shunt_p.changed] = shunt_p.values[
if (shunt_q.changed).any():
self._grid.shunt["q_mvar"].iloc[shunt_q.changed] = shunt_q.values[
if (shunt_bus.changed).any():
sh_service = shunt_bus.values[shunt_bus.changed] != -1
self._grid.shunt["in_service"].iloc[shunt_bus.changed] = sh_service
chg_and_in_service = sh_service & shunt_bus.changed
self._grid.shunt["bus"].loc[chg_and_in_service] = cls.local_bus_to_global(shunt_bus.values[chg_and_in_service],
# i made at least a real change, so i implement it in the backend
for id_el, new_bus in topo__:
id_el_backend, id_topo, type_obj = self._big_topo_to_backend[id_el]
if type_obj is not None:
# storage unit are handled elsewhere
self._type_to_bus_set[type_obj](new_bus, id_el_backend, id_topo)
def _apply_load_bus(self, new_bus, id_el_backend, id_topo):
new_bus_backend = type(self).local_bus_to_global_int(
new_bus, self._init_bus_load[id_el_backend]
if new_bus_backend >= 0:
self._grid.load["bus"].iat[id_el_backend] = new_bus_backend
self._grid.load["in_service"].iat[id_el_backend] = True
self._grid.load["in_service"].iat[id_el_backend] = False
# self._grid.load["bus"].iat[id_el_backend] = -1 # not needed and cause bugs with certain pandas version
def _apply_gen_bus(self, new_bus, id_el_backend, id_topo):
new_bus_backend = type(self).local_bus_to_global_int(
new_bus, self._init_bus_gen[id_el_backend]
if new_bus_backend >= 0:
self._grid.gen["bus"].iat[id_el_backend] = new_bus_backend
self._grid.gen["in_service"].iat[id_el_backend] = True
# remember in this case slack bus is actually 2 generators for pandapower !
if (
id_el_backend == (self._grid.gen.shape[0] - 1)
and self._iref_slack is not None
self._grid.ext_grid["bus"].iat[0] = new_bus_backend
self._grid.gen["in_service"].iat[id_el_backend] = False
# self._grid.gen["bus"].iat[id_el_backend] = -1 # not needed and cause bugs with certain pandas version
# in this case the slack bus cannot be disconnected
def _apply_lor_bus(self, new_bus, id_el_backend, id_topo):
new_bus_backend = type(self).local_bus_to_global_int(
new_bus, self._init_bus_lor[id_el_backend]
self.change_bus_powerline_or(id_el_backend, new_bus_backend)
def change_bus_powerline_or(self, id_powerline_backend, new_bus_backend):
if new_bus_backend >= 0:
self._grid.line["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = True
self._grid.line["from_bus"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = new_bus_backend
self._grid.line["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = False
def _apply_lex_bus(self, new_bus, id_el_backend, id_topo):
new_bus_backend = type(self).local_bus_to_global_int(
new_bus, self._init_bus_lex[id_el_backend]
self.change_bus_powerline_ex(id_el_backend, new_bus_backend)
def change_bus_powerline_ex(self, id_powerline_backend, new_bus_backend):
if new_bus_backend >= 0:
self._grid.line["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = True
self._grid.line["to_bus"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = new_bus_backend
self._grid.line["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = False
def _apply_trafo_hv(self, new_bus, id_el_backend, id_topo):
new_bus_backend = type(self).local_bus_to_global_int(
new_bus, self._init_bus_lor[id_el_backend]
self.change_bus_trafo_hv(id_topo, new_bus_backend)
def change_bus_trafo_hv(self, id_powerline_backend, new_bus_backend):
if new_bus_backend >= 0:
self._grid.trafo["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = True
self._grid.trafo["hv_bus"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = new_bus_backend
self._grid.trafo["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = False
def _apply_trafo_lv(self, new_bus, id_el_backend, id_topo):
new_bus_backend = type(self).local_bus_to_global_int(
new_bus, self._init_bus_lex[id_el_backend]
self.change_bus_trafo_lv(id_topo, new_bus_backend)
def change_bus_trafo_lv(self, id_powerline_backend, new_bus_backend):
if new_bus_backend >= 0:
self._grid.trafo["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = True
self._grid.trafo["lv_bus"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = new_bus_backend
self._grid.trafo["in_service"].iat[id_powerline_backend] = False
def _aux_get_line_info(self, colname1, colname2):
res = np.concatenate(
return res
def _aux_runpf_pp(self, is_dc: bool):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# remove the warning if _grid non connex. And it that case load flow as not converged
"ignore", category=scipy.sparse.linalg.MatrixRankWarning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
self._pf_init = "dc"
# nb_bus = self.get_nb_active_bus()
# if self._nb_bus_before is None:
# self._pf_init = "dc"
# elif nb_bus == self._nb_bus_before:
# self._pf_init = "results"
# else:
# self._pf_init = "auto"
if (~self._grid.load["in_service"]).any():
# TODO see if there is a better way here -> do not handle this here, but rather in Backend._next_grid_state
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged("Disconnected load: for now grid2op cannot handle properly"
" disconnected load. If you want to disconnect one, say it"
" consumes 0. instead. Please check loads: "
if (~self._grid.gen["in_service"]).any():
# TODO see if there is a better way here -> do not handle this here, but rather in Backend._next_grid_state
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged("Disconnected gen: for now grid2op cannot handle properly"
" disconnected generators. If you want to disconnect one, say it"
" produces 0. instead. Please check generators: "
if is_dc:
pp.rundcpp(self._grid, check_connectivity=True, init="flat")
# if I put check_connectivity=False then the test AAATestBackendAPI.test_22_islanded_grid_make_divergence
# does not pass
# if dc i start normally next time i call an ac powerflow
self._nb_bus_before = None
except IndexError as exc_:
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged(f"Surprising behaviour of pandapower when a bus is not connected to "
f"anything but present on the bus (with check_connectivity=False). "
f"Error was {exc_}"
# stores the computation time
if "_ppc" in self._grid:
if "et" in self._grid["_ppc"]:
self.comp_time += self._grid["_ppc"]["et"]
if self._grid.res_gen.isnull().values.any():
# TODO see if there is a better way here -> do not handle this here, but rather in Backend._next_grid_state
# sometimes pandapower does not detect divergence and put Nan.
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged("Divergence due to Nan values in res_gen table (most likely due to "
"a non connected grid).")
[docs] def runpf(self, is_dc : bool=False) -> Tuple[bool, Union[Exception, None]]:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
Run a power flow on the underlying _grid. This implements an optimization of the powerflow
computation: if the number of
buses has not changed between two calls, the previous results are re used. This speeds up the computation
in case of "do nothing" action applied.
cls = type(self)
# if a connected bus has a no voltage, it's a divergence (grid was not connected)
if self._grid.res_bus.loc[self._grid.bus["in_service"]]["va_degree"].isnull().any():
buses_ko = self._grid.res_bus.loc[self._grid.bus["in_service"]]["va_degree"].isnull()
buses_ko = buses_ko.values.nonzero()[0]
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged(f"Isolated bus, check buses {buses_ko} with `env.backend._grid.res_bus.iloc[{buses_ko}, :]`")
) = self._gens_info()
) = self._loads_info()
if not is_dc:
if not np.isfinite(self.load_v).all():
# TODO see if there is a better way here
# some loads are disconnected: it's a game over case!
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged(f"Isolated load: check loads {np.isfinite(self.load_v).nonzero()[0]}")
# fix voltages magnitude that are always "nan" for dc case
# self._grid.res_bus["vm_pu"] is always nan when computed in DC
self.load_v[:] = self.load_pu_to_kv # TODO
# need to assign the correct value when a generator is present at the same bus
# TODO optimize this ugly loop
# see https://github.com/e2nIEE/pandapower/issues/1996 for a fix
for l_id in range(cls.n_load):
if cls.load_to_subid[l_id] in cls.gen_to_subid:
ind_gens = (
cls.gen_to_subid == cls.load_to_subid[l_id]
for g_id in ind_gens:
if (
== self._topo_vect[cls.gen_pos_topo_vect[g_id]]
self.load_v[l_id] = self.prod_v[g_id]
self.line_status[:] = self._get_line_status()
# I retrieve the data once for the flows, so has to not re read multiple dataFrame
self.p_or[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("p_from_mw", "p_hv_mw")
self.q_or[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("q_from_mvar", "q_hv_mvar")
self.v_or[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("vm_from_pu", "vm_hv_pu")
self.a_or[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("i_from_ka", "i_hv_ka") * 1000.
self.theta_or[:] = self._aux_get_line_info(
"va_from_degree", "va_hv_degree"
self.a_or[~np.isfinite(self.a_or)] = 0.0
self.v_or[~np.isfinite(self.v_or)] = 0.0
self.p_ex[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("p_to_mw", "p_lv_mw")
self.q_ex[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("q_to_mvar", "q_lv_mvar")
self.v_ex[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("vm_to_pu", "vm_lv_pu")
self.a_ex[:] = self._aux_get_line_info("i_to_ka", "i_lv_ka") * 1000.
self.theta_ex[:] = self._aux_get_line_info(
"va_to_degree", "va_lv_degree"
self.a_ex[~np.isfinite(self.a_ex)] = 0.0
self.v_ex[~np.isfinite(self.v_ex)] = 0.0
# it seems that pandapower does not take into account disconencted powerline for their voltage
self.v_or[~self.line_status] = 0.0
self.v_ex[~self.line_status] = 0.0
self.v_or[:] *= self.lines_or_pu_to_kv
self.v_ex[:] *= self.lines_ex_pu_to_kv
# see issue https://github.com/Grid2Op/grid2op/issues/389
self.theta_or[~np.isfinite(self.theta_or)] = 0.0
self.theta_ex[~np.isfinite(self.theta_ex)] = 0.0
self._nb_bus_before = None
if self._iref_slack is not None:
# a gen has been added to represent the slack, modeled as an "ext_grid"
self._grid._ppc["gen"][self._iref_slack, 1] = 0.0
# handle storage units
# note that we have to look ourselves for disconnected storage
) = self._storages_info()
deact_storage = ~np.isfinite(self.storage_v)
if (np.abs(self.storage_p[deact_storage]) > self.tol).any():
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged(
"Isolated storage set to absorb / produce something"
self.storage_p[deact_storage] = 0.0
self.storage_q[deact_storage] = 0.0
self.storage_v[deact_storage] = 0.0
self._grid.storage["in_service"].values[deact_storage] = False
self._topo_vect[:] = self._get_topo_vect()
if not self._grid.converged:
raise pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged("Divergence without specific reason (self._grid.converged is False)")
self.div_exception = None
return True, None
except pp.powerflow.LoadflowNotConverged as exc_:
# of the powerflow has not converged, results are Nan
self.div_exception = exc_
msg = exc_.__str__()
return False, BackendError(f'powerflow diverged with error :"{msg}", you can check `env.backend.div_exception` for more information')
def _reset_all_nan(self) -> None:
self.p_or[:] = np.NaN
self.q_or[:] = np.NaN
self.v_or[:] = np.NaN
self.a_or[:] = np.NaN
self.p_ex[:] = np.NaN
self.q_ex[:] = np.NaN
self.v_ex[:] = np.NaN
self.a_ex[:] = np.NaN
self.prod_p[:] = np.NaN
self.prod_q[:] = np.NaN
self.prod_v[:] = np.NaN
self.load_p[:] = np.NaN
self.load_q[:] = np.NaN
self.load_v[:] = np.NaN
self.storage_p[:] = np.NaN
self.storage_q[:] = np.NaN
self.storage_v[:] = np.NaN
self._nb_bus_before = None
self.theta_or[:] = np.NaN
self.theta_ex[:] = np.NaN
self.load_theta[:] = np.NaN
self.gen_theta[:] = np.NaN
self.storage_theta[:] = np.NaN
[docs] def copy(self) -> "PandaPowerBackend":
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
This should return a deep copy of the Backend itself and not just the `self._grid`
res = type(self)(**self._my_kwargs)
# copy from base class (backend)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
# warnings depending on pandas version and pp version
res._grid = copy.deepcopy(self._grid)
res.thermal_limit_a = copy.deepcopy(self.thermal_limit_a)
res._sh_vnkv = copy.deepcopy(self._sh_vnkv)
res.comp_time = self.comp_time
res.can_output_theta = self.can_output_theta
res._is_loaded = self._is_loaded
# copy all attributes from myself
res.prod_pu_to_kv = copy.deepcopy(self.prod_pu_to_kv)
res.load_pu_to_kv = copy.deepcopy(self.load_pu_to_kv)
res.lines_or_pu_to_kv = copy.deepcopy(self.lines_or_pu_to_kv)
res.lines_ex_pu_to_kv = copy.deepcopy(self.lines_ex_pu_to_kv)
res.storage_pu_to_kv = copy.deepcopy(self.storage_pu_to_kv)
res.p_or = copy.deepcopy(self.p_or)
res.q_or = copy.deepcopy(self.q_or)
res.v_or = copy.deepcopy(self.v_or)
res.a_or = copy.deepcopy(self.a_or)
res.p_ex = copy.deepcopy(self.p_ex)
res.q_ex = copy.deepcopy(self.q_ex)
res.v_ex = copy.deepcopy(self.v_ex)
res.a_ex = copy.deepcopy(self.a_ex)
res.load_p = copy.deepcopy(self.load_p)
res.load_q = copy.deepcopy(self.load_q)
res.load_v = copy.deepcopy(self.load_v)
res.storage_p = copy.deepcopy(self.storage_p)
res.storage_q = copy.deepcopy(self.storage_q)
res.storage_v = copy.deepcopy(self.storage_v)
res.prod_p = copy.deepcopy(self.prod_p)
res.prod_q = copy.deepcopy(self.prod_q)
res.prod_v = copy.deepcopy(self.prod_v)
res.line_status = copy.deepcopy(self.line_status)
res._pf_init = self._pf_init
res._nb_bus_before = self._nb_bus_before
res.thermal_limit_a = copy.deepcopy(self.thermal_limit_a)
res._iref_slack = self._iref_slack
res._id_bus_added = self._id_bus_added
res._fact_mult_gen = copy.deepcopy(self._fact_mult_gen)
res._what_object_where = copy.deepcopy(self._fact_mult_gen)
res._number_true_line = self._number_true_line
res._corresp_name_fun = copy.deepcopy(self._corresp_name_fun)
res.dim_topo = self.dim_topo
res.cst_1 = self.cst_1
res._topo_vect = copy.deepcopy(self._topo_vect)
res.slack_id = self.slack_id
# function to rstore some information
res.__nb_bus_before = (
) # number of substation in the powergrid
res.__nb_powerline = (
) # number of powerline (real powerline, not transformer)
res._init_bus_load = copy.deepcopy(self._init_bus_load)
res._init_bus_gen = copy.deepcopy(self._init_bus_gen)
res._init_bus_lor = copy.deepcopy(self._init_bus_lor)
res._init_bus_lex = copy.deepcopy(self._init_bus_lex)
res._get_vector_inj = copy.deepcopy(self._get_vector_inj)
res._big_topo_to_obj = copy.deepcopy(self._big_topo_to_obj)
res._big_topo_to_backend = copy.deepcopy(self._big_topo_to_backend)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
res.__pp_backend_initial_grid = copy.deepcopy(self.__pp_backend_initial_grid)
# this is NOT the pandapower tolerance !!!! this is used to check if a storage unit
# produce / absorbs anything
res.tol = self.tol
# TODO storage doc (in grid2op rst) of the backend
res.can_output_theta = self.can_output_theta # I support the voltage angle
res.theta_or = copy.deepcopy(self.theta_or)
res.theta_ex = copy.deepcopy(self.theta_ex)
res.load_theta = copy.deepcopy(self.load_theta)
res.gen_theta = copy.deepcopy(self.gen_theta)
res.storage_theta = copy.deepcopy(self.storage_theta)
res._in_service_line_col_id = self._in_service_line_col_id
res._in_service_trafo_col_id = self._in_service_trafo_col_id
res._missing_two_busbars_support_info = self._missing_two_busbars_support_info
res.div_exception = self.div_exception
return res
[docs] def close(self) -> None:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
Called when the :class:`grid2op;Environment` has terminated, this function only reset the grid to a state
where it has not been loaded.
del self._grid
self._grid = None
del self.__pp_backend_initial_grid
self.__pp_backend_initial_grid = None
[docs] def save_file(self, full_path: Union[os.PathLike, str]) -> None:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
You might want to use it for debugging purpose only, and only if you develop yourself a backend.
Save the file to json.
:param full_path:
pp.to_json(self._grid, full_path)
[docs] def get_line_status(self) -> np.ndarray:
.. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
As all the functions related to powerline, pandapower split them into multiple dataframe (some for transformers,
some for 3 winding transformers etc.). We make sure to get them all here.
return self.line_status
def _get_line_status(self):
return np.concatenate(
[docs] def get_line_flow(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.a_or
[docs] def _disconnect_line(self, id_):
if id_ < self._number_true_line:
self._grid.line.iloc[id_, self._in_service_line_col_id] = False
self._grid.trafo.iloc[id_ - self._number_true_line, self._in_service_trafo_col_id] = False
self._topo_vect[self.line_or_pos_topo_vect[id_]] = -1
self._topo_vect[self.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[id_]] = -1
self.line_status[id_] = False
def _reconnect_line(self, id_):
if id_ < self._number_true_line:
self._grid.line.iloc[id_, self._in_service_line_col_id] = True
self._grid.trafo.iloc[id_ - self._number_true_line, self._in_service_trafo_col_id] = True
self.line_status[id_] = True
[docs] def get_topo_vect(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._topo_vect
def _get_topo_vect(self):
cls = type(self)
res = np.full(cls.dim_topo, fill_value=np.iinfo(dt_int).max, dtype=dt_int)
# lines / trafo
line_status = self.get_line_status()
glob_bus_or = np.concatenate((self._grid.line["from_bus"].values, self._grid.trafo["hv_bus"].values))
res[cls.line_or_pos_topo_vect] = cls.global_bus_to_local(glob_bus_or, cls.line_or_to_subid)
res[cls.line_or_pos_topo_vect[~line_status]] = -1
glob_bus_ex = np.concatenate((self._grid.line["to_bus"].values, self._grid.trafo["lv_bus"].values))
res[cls.line_ex_pos_topo_vect] = cls.global_bus_to_local(glob_bus_ex, cls.line_ex_to_subid)
res[cls.line_ex_pos_topo_vect[~line_status]] = -1
# load, gen
load_status = self._grid.load["in_service"].values
res[cls.load_pos_topo_vect] = cls.global_bus_to_local(self._grid.load["bus"].values, cls.load_to_subid)
res[cls.load_pos_topo_vect[~load_status]] = -1
gen_status = self._grid.gen["in_service"].values
res[cls.gen_pos_topo_vect] = cls.global_bus_to_local(self._grid.gen["bus"].values, cls.gen_to_subid)
res[cls.gen_pos_topo_vect[~gen_status]] = -1
# storage
if cls.n_storage:
storage_status = self._grid.storage["in_service"].values
res[cls.storage_pos_topo_vect] = cls.global_bus_to_local(self._grid.storage["bus"].values, cls.storage_to_subid)
res[cls.storage_pos_topo_vect[~storage_status]] = -1
return res
def _gens_info(self):
prod_p = self.cst_1 * self._grid.res_gen["p_mw"].values.astype(dt_float)
prod_q = self.cst_1 * self._grid.res_gen["q_mvar"].values.astype(dt_float)
prod_v = (
* self._grid.res_gen["vm_pu"].values.astype(dt_float)
* self.prod_pu_to_kv
prod_theta = self.cst_1 * self._grid.res_gen["va_degree"].values.astype(
if self._iref_slack is not None:
# slack bus and added generator are on same bus. I need to add power of slack bus to this one.
# if self._grid.gen["bus"].iloc[self._id_bus_added] == self.gen_to_subid[self._id_bus_added]:
if "gen" in self._grid._ppc["internal"]:
prod_p[self._id_bus_added] += self._grid._ppc["internal"]["gen"][
self._iref_slack, 1
prod_q[self._id_bus_added] += self._grid._ppc["internal"]["gen"][
self._iref_slack, 2
return prod_p, prod_q, prod_v, prod_theta
def _loads_info(self):
load_p = self.cst_1 * self._grid.res_load["p_mw"].values.astype(dt_float)
load_q = self.cst_1 * self._grid.res_load["q_mvar"].values.astype(dt_float)
load_v = (
* self.load_pu_to_kv
load_theta = self._grid.res_bus.loc[self._grid.load["bus"].values][
return load_p, load_q, load_v, load_theta
[docs] def generators_info(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
return (
self.cst_1 * self.prod_p,
self.cst_1 * self.prod_q,
self.cst_1 * self.prod_v,
[docs] def loads_info(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
return (
self.cst_1 * self.load_p,
self.cst_1 * self.load_q,
self.cst_1 * self.load_v,
[docs] def lines_or_info(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
return (
self.cst_1 * self.p_or,
self.cst_1 * self.q_or,
self.cst_1 * self.v_or,
self.cst_1 * self.a_or,
[docs] def lines_ex_info(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
return (
self.cst_1 * self.p_ex,
self.cst_1 * self.q_ex,
self.cst_1 * self.v_ex,
self.cst_1 * self.a_ex,
[docs] def shunt_info(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
shunt_p = self.cst_1 * self._grid.res_shunt["p_mw"].values.astype(dt_float)
shunt_q = self.cst_1 * self._grid.res_shunt["q_mvar"].values.astype(dt_float)
shunt_v = (
shunt_v *= (
shunt_bus = type(self).global_bus_to_local(self._grid.shunt["bus"].values, self.shunt_to_subid)
shunt_v[~self._grid.shunt["in_service"].values] = 0.
shunt_bus[~self._grid.shunt["in_service"].values] = -1
return shunt_p, shunt_q, shunt_v, shunt_bus
[docs] def storages_info(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
return (
self.cst_1 * self.storage_p,
self.cst_1 * self.storage_q,
self.cst_1 * self.storage_v,
def _storages_info(self):
if self.n_storage:
# this is because we support "backward comaptibility" feature. So the storage can be
# deactivated from the Environment...
p_storage = self._grid.res_storage["p_mw"].values.astype(dt_float)
q_storage = self._grid.res_storage["q_mvar"].values.astype(dt_float)
v_storage = (
* self.storage_pu_to_kv
theta_storage = (
* self.storage_pu_to_kv
v_storage[~self._grid.storage["in_service"].values] = 0.
p_storage = np.zeros(shape=0, dtype=dt_float)
q_storage = np.zeros(shape=0, dtype=dt_float)
v_storage = np.zeros(shape=0, dtype=dt_float)
theta_storage = np.zeros(shape=0, dtype=dt_float)
return p_storage, q_storage, v_storage, theta_storage
[docs] def sub_from_bus_id(self, bus_id : int) -> int:
if bus_id >= self._number_true_line:
return bus_id - self._number_true_line
return bus_id