Source code for grid2op.Opponent.geometricOpponent

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# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.

import warnings
import copy
import numpy as np

from grid2op.dtypes import dt_int
from grid2op.Opponent.baseOpponent import BaseOpponent
from grid2op.Exceptions import OpponentError

[docs]class GeometricOpponent(BaseOpponent): """ This opponent will disconnect lines randomly among the attackable lines `lines_attacked`. The sampling is done according to the lines load factor (ratio <current going through the line> to <thermal limit of the line>) (see init for more details). The time of the attack is sampled according to a geometric distribution """ def __init__(self, action_space): BaseOpponent.__init__(self, action_space) self._do_nothing = None self._attacks = None self._lines_ids = None self._next_attack_time = None self._attack_hazard_rate = None self._recovery_minimum_duration = None self._recovery_rate = None self._pmax_pmin_ratio = None self._attack_times = None self._attack_waiting_times = None self._attack_durations = None self._attack_counter = None self._number_of_attacks = None self._episode_max_time = None self._env = None # I need to keep a pointer to the environment for computing the maximum length of the episode # this is the constructor: # it should have the exact same signature as here
[docs] def init( self, partial_env, lines_attacked=(), attack_every_xxx_hour=24, average_attack_duration_hour=4, minimum_attack_duration_hour=2, pmax_pmin_ratio=4, **kwargs, ): """ Generic function used to initialize the derived classes. For example, if an opponent reads from a file, the path where is the file is located should be pass with this method. Parameters ---------- partial_env: grid2op Environment A pointer to the environment that initializes the opponent lines_attacked: ``list`` The list of lines that the XPOpponent should be able to disconnect attack_every_xxx_hour: ``float`` Provide the average duration between two attacks. Note that this should be greater than `average_attack_duration_hour` as, for now, an agent can only do one consecutive attack. You should provide it in "number of hours" and not in "number of steps" It is used to compute the `attack_hazard_rate`. Attacks time are sampled with a duration distribution. For this opponent, we use the simplest of these distributions : The geometric disribution (the discrete time counterpart of the exponential distribution). The attack_hazard_rate is the main parameter of this distribution. It can be seen as the (constant) probability of having an attack in the next step. It is also the inverse of the expectation of the time to an attack. average_attack_duration_hour: ``float`` Give, in number of hours, the average attack duration. This should be greater than `recovery_minimum_duration_hour` Used to compute the `recovery_rate`: Recovery times are random or at least should have a random part. In our case, we will say that the recovery time is equal to a fixed time (safety procedure time) plus a random time (investigations and repair operations) sampled according to a geometric distribution minimum_attack_duration_hour: ``int`` Minimum duration of an attack (give it in hour) pmax_pmin_ratio: ``float`` Ratio between the probability of the most likely line to be disconnected and the least likely one. """ self._env = partial_env if len(lines_attacked) == 0: warnings.warn( f"The opponent is deactivated as there is no information as to which line to attack. " f'You can set the argument "kwargs_opponent" to the list of the line names you want ' f' the opponent to attack in the "make" function.' ) # Store attackable lines IDs self._lines_ids = [] for l_name in lines_attacked: l_id = np.where(self.action_space.name_line == l_name) if len(l_id) and len(l_id[0]): self._lines_ids.append(l_id[0][0]) else: raise OpponentError( 'Unable to find the powerline named "{}" on the grid. For ' "information, powerlines on the grid are : {}" "".format(l_name, sorted(self.action_space.name_line)) ) # Pre-build attacks actions self._do_nothing = self.action_space({}) self._attacks = [] for l_id in self._lines_ids: a = self.action_space({"set_line_status": [(l_id, -1)]}) self._attacks.append(a) self._attacks = np.array(self._attacks) # Opponent's attack and recovery rates and minimum duration # number of steps per hour ts_per_hour = 3600.0 / partial_env.delta_time_seconds self._recovery_minimum_duration = int( minimum_attack_duration_hour * ts_per_hour ) if average_attack_duration_hour < minimum_attack_duration_hour: raise OpponentError( "The average duration of an attack cannot be lower than the minimum time of an attack" ) elif average_attack_duration_hour == minimum_attack_duration_hour: raise OpponentError( "Case average_attack_duration_hour == minimum_attack_duration_hour is not supported " "at the moment" ) self._recovery_rate = 1.0 / ( ts_per_hour * (average_attack_duration_hour - minimum_attack_duration_hour) ) if attack_every_xxx_hour <= average_attack_duration_hour: raise OpponentError( "attack_every_xxx_hour <= average_attack_duration_hour is not supported at the moment." ) self._attack_hazard_rate = 1.0 / ( ts_per_hour * (attack_every_xxx_hour - average_attack_duration_hour) ) # Opponent's pmax pmin ratio self._pmax_pmin_ratio = pmax_pmin_ratio # Episode max time self._episode_max_time = self._get_episode_duration() # Sample attack times and durations for the whole episode self.sample_attack_times_and_durations() # Set the attack counter to 0 self._attack_counter = 0
def _get_episode_duration(self): tmp = self._env.max_episode_duration() if (not np.isfinite(tmp)) or (tmp == np.iinfo(tmp).max): raise OpponentError( "Geometric opponent only works (for now) with a known finite episode duration." ) return tmp
[docs] def reset(self, initial_budget): # Sample attack times and durations for the whole episode self.sample_attack_times_and_durations() # Reset the attack counter to 0 self._attack_counter = 0 self._next_attack_time = None # Episode max time self._episode_max_time = self._get_episode_duration()
def sample_attack_times_and_durations(self): self._attack_times = [] self._attack_waiting_times = [] self._attack_durations = [] self._number_of_attacks = 0 t = 0 # t=0 at the beginning of the episode while t < self._episode_max_time: # Sampling the next time to attack t_to_attack = self.space_prng.geometric(p=self._attack_hazard_rate) t_of_attack = t + t_to_attack t = t_of_attack if t < self._episode_max_time: self._attack_waiting_times.append(t_to_attack) self._attack_times.append(t_of_attack) self._number_of_attacks += 1 # Sampling the attack duration attack_duration = ( self._recovery_minimum_duration + self.space_prng.geometric(p=self._recovery_rate) ) self._attack_durations.append(attack_duration) t = t + attack_duration # TODO : Log these times and durations in a log.file self._attack_times = np.array(self._attack_times).astype(dt_int) self._attack_waiting_times = np.array(self._attack_waiting_times).astype(dt_int) self._attack_durations = np.array(self._attack_durations).astype(dt_int)
[docs] def tell_attack_continues(self, observation, agent_action, env_action, budget): self._next_attack_time = None
[docs] def attack(self, observation, agent_action, env_action, budget, previous_fails): """ This method is the equivalent of "attack" for a regular agent. Opponent, in this framework can have more information than a regular agent (in particular it can view time step t+1), it has access to its current budget etc. Parameters ---------- observation: :class:`grid2op.Observation.Observation` The last observation (at time t) opp_reward: ``float`` THe opponent "reward" (equivalent to the agent reward, but for the opponent) TODO do i add it back ??? done: ``bool`` Whether the game ended or not TODO do i add it back ??? agent_action: :class:`grid2op.Action.Action` The action that the agent took env_action: :class:`grid2op.Action.Action` The modification that the environment will take. budget: ``float`` The current remaining budget (if an action is above this budget, it will be replaced by a do nothing. previous_fails: ``bool`` Wheter the previous attack failed (due to budget or ambiguous action) Returns ------- attack: :class:`grid2op.Action.Action` The attack performed by the opponent. In this case, a do nothing, all the time. duration: ``int`` The duration of the attack (if ``None`` then the attack will be made for the longest allowed time) """ # During creation of the environment, do not attack if observation is None: return None, None # If there are no more attacks to come, do not attack if self._attack_counter >= self._number_of_attacks: return None, None if previous_fails: # i cannot do the attack, it failed (so self._attack_counter >= 1) self._next_attack_time = ( self._attack_waiting_times[self._attack_counter] + self._attack_durations[self._attack_counter - 1] ) # Set the time of the next attack if self._next_attack_time is None: self._next_attack_time = ( 1 + self._attack_waiting_times[self._attack_counter] ) attack_duration = self._attack_durations[self._attack_counter] self._next_attack_time -= 1 # If the attack time has not come yet, do not attack if self._next_attack_time > 0: return None, None else: # Attack is launched self._attack_counter += 1 # If all attackable lines are disconnected, abort attack status = observation.line_status[self._lines_ids] if np.all(status == False): return None, None available_attacks = self._attacks[status] # If we have a unique attackable line we just attack it if len(available_attacks) == 1: return available_attacks[0], attack_duration # We have several lines, so we need to choose one # This will be according to their load factor (rho) rho = observation.rho[self._lines_ids][status] # The rho_rank vector is the ranking of the lines according # to their rho (load factor) # 0 : for the line with the lowest load factor # (n_attackable_lines - 1) : for the line with the highest load factor temp = rho.argsort() rho_ranks = np.empty_like(temp) rho_ranks[temp] = np.arange(len(rho)) # We choose the attacked line using a Boltzmann distribution # on rho ranks, with a beta parameter (temperature) set to ensure # that the probability ratio between the most and the least prefered # lines is equal to the pmax_pmin_ratio parameter n_attackable_line = len(available_attacks) b_beta = np.log(self._pmax_pmin_ratio) / (n_attackable_line - 1) raw_probabilities = np.exp(b_beta * rho_ranks) b_probabilities = raw_probabilities / raw_probabilities.sum() attack = self.space_prng.choice(available_attacks, p=b_probabilities) return attack, attack_duration
[docs] def get_state(self): return ( self._attack_times, self._attack_waiting_times, self._attack_durations, self._number_of_attacks, )
[docs] def set_state(self, my_state): ( _attack_times, _attack_waiting_times, _attack_durations, _number_of_attacks, ) = my_state self._attack_times = 1 * _attack_times self._attack_waiting_times = 1 * _attack_waiting_times self._attack_durations = 1 * _attack_durations self._number_of_attacks = 1 * _number_of_attacks
def _custom_deepcopy_for_copy(self, new_obj, dict_=None): super()._custom_deepcopy_for_copy(new_obj, dict_) if dict_ is None: raise OpponentError("Impossible to deep copy an Opponent without a pointer " "to the original env, named `partial_env`.") new_obj._attacks = copy.deepcopy(self._attacks) new_obj._lines_ids = copy.deepcopy(self._lines_ids) new_obj._next_attack_time = copy.deepcopy(self._next_attack_time) new_obj._attack_hazard_rate = copy.deepcopy(self._attack_hazard_rate) new_obj._recovery_minimum_duration = copy.deepcopy( self._recovery_minimum_duration ) new_obj._recovery_rate = copy.deepcopy(self._recovery_rate) new_obj._pmax_pmin_ratio = copy.deepcopy(self._pmax_pmin_ratio) new_obj._attack_counter = copy.deepcopy(self._attack_counter) new_obj._episode_max_time = copy.deepcopy(self._episode_max_time) new_obj._env = dict_[ "partial_env" ] # I need to keep a pointer to the environment for computing the maximum length of the episode