Source code for grid2op.MakeEnv.Make

# Copyright (c) 2019-2021, RTE (
# See AUTHORS.txt
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
# If a copy of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 was not distributed with this file,
# you can obtain one at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.

import time
import requests
import os
import warnings
import pkg_resources
from typing import Union, Optional
import logging

from grid2op.Environment import Environment
from grid2op.MakeEnv.MakeFromPath import make_from_dataset_path, ERR_MSG_KWARGS
from grid2op.Exceptions import Grid2OpException, UnknownEnv
import grid2op.MakeEnv.PathUtils
from grid2op.MakeEnv.PathUtils import _create_path_folder
from grid2op.Download.DownloadDataset import _aux_download


DEV_DATA_FOLDER = pkg_resources.resource_filename("grid2op", "data")
DEV_DATASET = os.path.join(DEV_DATA_FOLDER, "{}")
    "blank": DEV_DATASET.format("blank"),
    "rte_case14_realistic": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_realistic"),
    "rte_case14_redisp": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_redisp"),
    "rte_case14_test": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_test"),
    "rte_case5_example": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case5_example"),
    "rte_case118_example": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case118_example"),
    "rte_case14_opponent": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_opponent"),
    "l2rpn_wcci_2020": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_wcci_2020"),
    "l2rpn_neurips_2020_track2": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_neurips_2020_track2"),
    "l2rpn_neurips_2020_track1": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_neurips_2020_track1"),
    "l2rpn_case14_sandbox": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_case14_sandbox"),
    "l2rpn_case14_sandbox_diff_grid": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_case14_sandbox_diff_grid"),
    "l2rpn_icaps_2021": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_icaps_2021"),
    "l2rpn_wcci_2022_dev": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_wcci_2022_dev"),
    "l2rpn_wcci_2022": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_wcci_2022_dev"),
    "l2rpn_idf_2023": DEV_DATASET.format("l2rpn_idf_2023"),
    # educational files
    "educ_case14_redisp": DEV_DATASET.format("educ_case14_redisp"),
    "educ_case14_storage": DEV_DATASET.format("educ_case14_storage"),
    # keep the old names for now
    "case14_realistic": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_realistic"),
    "case14_redisp": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_redisp"),
    "case14_test": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_test"),
    "case5_example": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case5_example"),
    "case14_fromfile": DEV_DATASET.format("rte_case14_test"),

    'Impossible to retrieve data at "{}".\n'
    "If the problem persists, please contact grid2op developers by sending an issue at "
    'Failure to get a response from the url "{}".\n'
    "Retrying... {} attempt(s) remaining"
    'Exception in getting an answer from "{}".\n' "Retrying... {} attempt(s) remaining"

_LIST_REMOTE_KEY = "download_url"
    "Impossible to retrieve available datasets. "
    "File could not be converted to json. "
    "Parsing error:\n {}"
    "Corrupted json retrieved from github api. "
    "Please wait a few minutes and try again. "
    "If the error persist, contact grid2op devs by making an issue at "
    "Impossible to retrieve available datasets. "
    "File could not be converted to json. "
    'The error was \n"{}"'

    'Impossible to find the environment named "{}".\n'
    "Current available environments are:\n{}"

_MULTIMIX_FILE = ".multimix"

    "You are using a development environment. "
    "This environment is not intended for training agents. It might not be up to date "
    'and its primary use if for tests (hence the "test=True" you passed as argument). '
    "Use at your own risk."
    'Dev env "{}" has been deprecated '
    "and will be removed in future version.\n"
    'Please update to dev envs starting by "rte" or "l2rpn"'
    'It is the first time you use the environment "{}".\n'
    "We will attempt to download this environment from remote"
_MAKE_UNKNOWN_ENV = 'Impossible to load the environment named "{}".'

    'The "dataset_name" argument '
    "should be convertible to string, "
    'but "{}" was provided.'
    'Impossible to recognize the environment name from path "{}"'

def _force_test_dataset():
    res = False
    if _VAR_FORCE_TEST in os.environ:
            var_int = int(os.environ[_VAR_FORCE_TEST])
        except Exception as exc_:
            warnings.warn(f"The environment variable {_VAR_FORCE_TEST}, "
                          f"used to force the \"test=True\" in grid2op "
                          f"cannot be converted to an integer with error "
                          f"\"{exc_}\". As it is set nonetheless, we "
                          f"assume you want to force \"test=True\".")
            var_int = 1
        res = var_int >= 1
    return res

def _send_request_retry(url, nb_retry=10, gh_session=None):

    .. warning:: /!\\\\ Internal, do not use unless you know what you are doing /!\\\\
    if nb_retry <= 0:
        raise Grid2OpException(_REQUEST_FAIL_EXHAUSTED_ERR.format(url))

    if gh_session is None:
        gh_session = requests.Session()

        response = gh_session.get(url=url)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            return response
        warnings.warn(_REQUEST_FAIL_RETRY_ERR.format(url, nb_retry - 1))
        return _send_request_retry(url, nb_retry=nb_retry - 1, gh_session=gh_session)
    except Grid2OpException:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception as exc_:
        warnings.warn(_REQUEST_EXCEPT_RETRY_ERR.format(url, nb_retry - 1))
        return _send_request_retry(url, nb_retry=nb_retry - 1, gh_session=gh_session)

def _retrieve_github_content(url, is_json=True):
    answer = _send_request_retry(url)
        answer_json = answer.json()
    except Exception as e:
        raise Grid2OpException(_LIST_REMOTE_INVALID_CONTENT_JSON_ERR.format(e))

    if _LIST_REMOTE_KEY not in answer_json:
    avail_datasets = _send_request_retry(answer_json[_LIST_REMOTE_KEY])
    if is_json:
            res = avail_datasets.json()
        except Exception as e:
            raise Grid2OpException(_LIST_REMOTE_INVALID_DATASETS_JSON_ERR.format(e))
        res = avail_datasets.text
    return res

def _list_available_remote_env_aux():
    return _retrieve_github_content(url=_LIST_REMOTE_URL)

def _fecth_environments(dataset_name):
    avail_datasets_json = _list_available_remote_env_aux()
    if not dataset_name in avail_datasets_json:
        known_ds = sorted(avail_datasets_json.keys())
        raise UnknownEnv(_FETCH_ENV_UNKNOWN_ERR.format(dataset_name, known_ds))
    # url = _FETCH_ENV_TAR_URL.format(avail_datasets_json[dataset_name], dataset_name)
    dict_ = avail_datasets_json[dataset_name]
    baseurl, filename = dict_["base_url"], dict_["filename"]
    url = baseurl + filename
    # name is "tar.bz2" so i need to get rid of 2 extensions
    ds_name_dl = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])[0]
    return url, ds_name_dl

def _extract_ds_name(dataset_path):
    If a path is provided, clean it to have a proper datasetname.

    If a dataset name is already provided, then i just returns it.

    dataset_path: ``str``
        The path in the form of a

    dataset_name: ``str``
        The name of the dataset (all lowercase, without "." etc.)


        dataset_path = str(dataset_path)
    except Exception as exc_:
        raise Grid2OpException(
        ) from exc_

        dataset_name = os.path.split(dataset_path)[-1]
    except Exception as exc_:
        raise UnknownEnv(_EXTRACT_DS_NAME_RECO_ERR.format(dataset_path)) from exc_
    dataset_name = dataset_name.lower().rstrip().lstrip()
    dataset_name = os.path.splitext(dataset_name)[0]
    return dataset_name

def _aux_is_multimix(dataset_path):
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_path, _MULTIMIX_FILE)):
        return True
    return False

def _aux_make_multimix(
) -> Environment:
    # Local import to prevent imports loop
    from grid2op.Environment import MultiMixEnvironment
    if _overload_name_multimix is not None:
        raise RuntimeError("You should not create a MultiMix with `_overload_name_multimix`.")
    return MultiMixEnvironment(

def _get_path_multimix(_overload_name_multimix) -> str:
    baseenv_path, multi_mix_name, add_to_name = _overload_name_multimix
    if os.path.exists(baseenv_path):
        return baseenv_path
    if multi_mix_name in TEST_DEV_ENVS:
        return TEST_DEV_ENVS[multi_mix_name]
    raise Grid2OpException(f"Unknown multimix environment with name {multi_mix_name} that should be located at {baseenv_path}.")
[docs]def make( dataset : Union[str, os.PathLike], *, test : bool=False, logger: Optional[logging.Logger]=None, experimental_read_from_local_dir : bool=False, n_busbar=2, _add_to_name : str="", _compat_glop_version : Optional[str]=None, _overload_name_multimix : Optional[str]=None, # do not use ! **kwargs ) -> Environment: """ This function is a shortcut to rapidly create some (pre defined) environments within the grid2op framework. Other environments, with different powergrids will be made available in the future and will be easily downloadable using this function. It mimic the `gym.make` function. .. versionchanged:: 1.9.3 Remove the possibility to use this function with arguments (force kwargs) .. versionadded:: 1.10.0 The `n_busbar` parameters Parameters ---------- dataset: ``str`` or path Name of the environment you want to create test: ``bool`` Whether you want to use a test environment (**NOT** recommended). Use at your own risk. logger: If you want to use a specific logger for environment and all other grid2op objects, you can put it here. This feature is still under development. experimental_read_from_local_dir: ``bool`` Grid2op "embed" the grid description into the description of the classes themselves. By default this is done "on the fly" (when the environment is created) but for some usecase (especially ones involving multiprocessing or "pickle") it might not be easily usable. If you encounter issues with pickle or multi processing, you can set this flag to ``True``. See the doc of :func:`grid2op.Environment.BaseEnv.generate_classes` for more information. n_busbar: ``int`` Number of independant busbars allowed per substations. By default it's 2. kwargs: Other keyword argument to give more control on the environment you are creating. See the Parameters information of the :func:`make_from_dataset_path`. _add_to_name: Internal, do not use (and can only be used when setting "test=True"). If `experimental_read_from_local_dir` is set to True, this has no effect. _compat_glop_version: Internal, do not use (and can only be used when setting "test=True") _overload_name_multimix: Internal, do not use ! Returns ------- env: :class:`grid2op.Environment.Environment` The created environment. Examples -------- If you want to create the environment "l2rpn_case14_sandbox": .. code-block: python import grid2op env_name = "l2rpn_case14_sandbox" # or any other supported environment env = grid2op.make(env_name) # env implements the openai gym interface (env.step, env.render, env.reset etc.) **NB** the first time you type this command, the dataset (approximately 300 MB for this one) will be downloaded from the internet, sizes vary per dataset. """ if _force_test_dataset(): if not test: warnings.warn(f"The environment variable \"{_VAR_FORCE_TEST}\" is defined so grid2op will be forced in \"test\" mode. " f"This is equivalent to pass \"grid2op.make(..., test=True)\" and prevents any download of data.") test = True if dataset is None: raise Grid2OpException("Impossible to create an environment without its name. Please call something like: \n" "> env = grid2op.make('l2rpn_case14_sandbox') \nor\n" "> env = grid2op.make('rte_case14_realistic')") try: n_busbar_int = int(n_busbar) except Exception as exc_: raise Grid2OpException("n_busbar parameters should be convertible to integer") from exc_ if n_busbar != n_busbar_int: raise Grid2OpException(f"n_busbar parameters should be convertible to integer, but we have " f"int(n_busbar) = {n_busbar_int} != {n_busbar}") accepted_kwargs = ERR_MSG_KWARGS.keys() | {"dataset", "test"} for el in kwargs: if el not in accepted_kwargs: raise Grid2OpException( 'The keyword argument "{}" you provided is invalid. Possible keyword ' 'arguments to create environments are "{}".' "".format(el, sorted(accepted_kwargs)) ) # Select how to create the environment: # Default with make from path make_from_path_fn = make_from_dataset_path # dataset arg is a valid path: load it if os.path.exists(dataset): # check if its a test environment if test: _add_to_name_tmp = _add_to_name _compat_glop_version_tmp = _compat_glop_version test_tmp = True else: _add_to_name_tmp = "" _compat_glop_version_tmp = None test_tmp = False # Check if multimix from path if _aux_is_multimix(dataset) and not test_tmp: make_from_path_fn = _aux_make_multimix elif _aux_is_multimix(dataset) and test_tmp: def make_from_path_fn_(*args, **kwargs): if not "logger" in kwargs: kwargs["logger"] = logger if not "experimental_read_from_local_dir" in kwargs: kwargs[ "experimental_read_from_local_dir" ] = experimental_read_from_local_dir return _aux_make_multimix(*args, test=True, **kwargs) make_from_path_fn = make_from_path_fn_ if not "logger" in kwargs: kwargs["logger"] = logger if not "experimental_read_from_local_dir" in kwargs: kwargs[ "experimental_read_from_local_dir" ] = experimental_read_from_local_dir return make_from_path_fn( dataset_path=dataset, _add_to_name=_add_to_name_tmp, _compat_glop_version=_compat_glop_version_tmp, _overload_name_multimix=_overload_name_multimix, n_busbar=n_busbar, **kwargs ) # Not a path: get the dataset name and cache path dataset_name = _extract_ds_name(dataset) real_ds_path = os.path.join( grid2op.MakeEnv.PathUtils.DEFAULT_PATH_DATA, dataset_name ) # Unknown dev env if _overload_name_multimix is None and test and dataset_name not in TEST_DEV_ENVS: raise Grid2OpException(_MAKE_UNKNOWN_ENV.format(dataset)) # Known test env and test flag enabled if test: warnings.warn(_MAKE_DEV_ENV_WARN) # Warning for deprecated dev envs if not ( dataset_name.startswith("rte") or dataset_name.startswith("l2rpn") or dataset_name.startswith("educ") ): warnings.warn(_MAKE_DEV_ENV_DEPRECATED_WARN.format(dataset_name)) if _overload_name_multimix: # make is invoked from a Multimix path_multimix = _get_path_multimix(_overload_name_multimix) ds_path = os.path.join(path_multimix, dataset_name) else: # normal behaviour ds_path = TEST_DEV_ENVS[dataset_name] # Check if multimix from path if _aux_is_multimix(ds_path): def make_from_path_fn_(*args, **kwargs): if "logger" not in kwargs: kwargs[ "logger" ] = logger # foward the logger if not present already return _aux_make_multimix(*args, test=True, **kwargs) make_from_path_fn = make_from_path_fn_ return make_from_path_fn( dataset_path=ds_path, logger=logger, n_busbar=n_busbar, _add_to_name=_add_to_name, _compat_glop_version=_compat_glop_version, experimental_read_from_local_dir=experimental_read_from_local_dir, _overload_name_multimix=_overload_name_multimix, **kwargs ) # Env directory is present in the DEFAULT_PATH_DATA if os.path.exists(real_ds_path): if _aux_is_multimix(real_ds_path): make_from_path_fn = _aux_make_multimix return make_from_path_fn( real_ds_path, logger=logger, n_busbar=n_busbar, experimental_read_from_local_dir=experimental_read_from_local_dir, _overload_name_multimix=_overload_name_multimix, **kwargs ) # Env needs to be downloaded warnings.warn(_MAKE_FIRST_TIME_WARN.format(dataset_name)) _create_path_folder(grid2op.MakeEnv.PathUtils.DEFAULT_PATH_DATA) url, ds_name_dl = _fecth_environments(dataset_name) _aux_download( url, dataset_name, grid2op.MakeEnv.PathUtils.DEFAULT_PATH_DATA, ds_name_dl ) # Check if multimix from path if _aux_is_multimix(real_ds_path): make_from_path_fn = _aux_make_multimix return make_from_path_fn( dataset_path=real_ds_path, logger=logger, n_busbar=n_busbar, experimental_read_from_local_dir=experimental_read_from_local_dir, _overload_name_multimix=_overload_name_multimix, **kwargs )