# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, RTE (https://www.rte-france.com)
# See AUTHORS.txt
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# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from grid2op.Converter.Converters import Converter
from grid2op.dtypes import dt_float, dt_int
[docs]class ToVect(Converter):
This converters allows to manipulate the vector representation of the actions and observations.
In this converter:
- `encoded_act` are numpy ndarray
- `transformed_obs` are numpy ndarray
(read more about these concepts by looking at the documentation of :class:`grid2op.Converter.Converters`)
It is convertible to a gym representation (like the original action space) in the form of a spaces.Box
representing a continuous action space (even though most component are probably discrete).
Note that if converted to a gym space, it is unlikely the method "sample" will yield to valid results.
Most of the time it should generate Ambiguous action that will not be handled by grid2op.
**NB** the conversion to a gym space should be done thanks to the :class:`grid2op.Converter.GymActionSpace`.
def __init__(self, action_space):
Converter.__init__(self, action_space)
self.init_action_space = action_space
self.__class__ = ToVect.init_grid(action_space)
self.do_nothing_vect = action_space({}).to_vect()
# for gym conversion
self.__gym_action_space = None
self.__dict_space = None
self.__order_gym = None
self.__dtypes_gym = None
self.__shapes_gym = None
self.__order_gym_2_me = None
self.__order_me_2_gym = None
[docs] def convert_obs(self, obs):
This converter will match the observation to a vector, using the
obs: :class:`grid2op.Observation.Observation`
The observation, that will be processed into a numpy ndarray vector.
transformed_obs: ``numpy.ndarray``
The vector representation of the action.
return obs.to_vect()
[docs] def convert_act(self, encoded_act):
In this converter `encoded_act` is a numpy ndarray. This function transforms it back to a valid action.
encoded_act: ``numpy.ndarray``
The action, represented as a vector
regular_act: :class:`grid2op.Action.Action`
The corresponding action transformed with the :func:`grid2op.Action.BaseAction.from_vect`.
res = self.__call__({})
res.from_vect(encoded_act, check_legit=False)
return res
def _init_gym_converter(self, cls_gym):
if self.__gym_action_space is None:
# i do that not to duplicate the code of the low / high bounds
gym_action_space = cls_gym(self.init_action_space)
low = tuple()
high = tuple()
order_gym = []
dtypes = []
shapes = []
sizes = []
prev = 0
for k, v in gym_action_space.spaces.items():
if isinstance(v, cls_gym._MultiBinaryType):
low += tuple([0 for _ in range(v.n)])
high += tuple([1 for _ in range(v.n)])
my_size = v.n
elif isinstance(v, cls_gym._BoxType):
low += tuple(v.low)
high += tuple(v.high)
my_size = v.low.shape[0]
raise RuntimeError(
"Impossible to convert this converter to gym. Type {} of data "
"encountered while only MultiBinary and Box are supported for now."
sizes.append(np.arange(my_size) + prev)
prev += my_size
self.__gym_action_space = gym_action_space
my_type = cls_gym._BoxType(low=np.array(low), high=np.array(high), dtype=dt_float)
order_me = []
_order_gym_2_me = np.zeros(my_type.shape[0], dtype=dt_int) - 1
_order_me_2_gym = np.zeros(my_type.shape[0], dtype=dt_int) - 1
for el in self.init_action_space.attr_list_vect:
prev = 0
order_gym = list(gym_action_space.spaces.keys())
for id_me, nm_attr in enumerate(order_me):
id_gym = order_gym.index(nm_attr)
index_me = np.arange(shapes[id_gym]) + prev
_order_gym_2_me[sizes[id_gym]] = index_me
_order_me_2_gym[index_me] = sizes[id_gym]
# self.__order_gym_2_me[this_gym_ind] = sizes[id_me]
prev += shapes[id_gym]
self.__order_gym_2_me = _order_gym_2_me
self.__order_me_2_gym = _order_me_2_gym
self.__dict_space = {"action": my_type}
self.__order_gym = order_gym
self.__dtypes_gym = dtypes
self.__shapes_gym = shapes
[docs] def get_gym_dict(self, cls_gym):
Convert this action space int a "gym" action space represented by a dictionary (spaces.Dict)
This dictionary counts only one keys which is "action" and inside this action is the
cls_gym represents either :class:`grid2op.gym_compat.LegacyGymActionSpace` or
return self.__dict_space
[docs] def convert_action_from_gym(self, gymlike_action):
Convert a gym-like action (ie a Ordered dictionary with one key being only "action") to an
action compatible with this converter (in this case a vectorized action).
vect = gymlike_action["action"]
return vect[self.__order_gym_2_me]
[docs] def convert_action_to_gym(self, action):
Convert a an action of this converter (ie a numpy array) into an action that is usable with
an open ai gym (ie a Ordered dictionary with one key being only "action")
res = OrderedDict({"action": action[self.__order_me_2_gym]})
return res