# Copyright (c) 2019-2023, RTE (https://www.rte-france.com)
# See AUTHORS.txt
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
# If a copy of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 was not distributed with this file,
# you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# This file is part of Grid2Op, Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.
import copy
import json
import os
from grid2op.Chronics.GSFFWFWM import GridStateFromFileWithForecastsWithMaintenance
from grid2op.Chronics.gridValue import GridValue
from grid2op.Chronics.handlers.baseHandler import BaseHandler
[docs]class JSONMaintenanceHandler(BaseHandler):
"""This type of handlers will generate maintenance based on some json files.
Maintenance generated with this class will be stochastic: some different
maintenance time / duration will be generated for each new episode (of course
you can seed your environment for a purely deterministic process)
The json file it will read should be called `json_file_name` (by default
It should contain the data:
- "line_to_maintenance": the list of the name of the powerline that can be
"in maintenance" for this episode
- "maintenance_starting_hour" : the starting hour for all maintenance
- "maintenance_ending_hour" : the hour at which each maintenance ends
- "daily_proba_per_month_maintenance" : it's a list having 12 elements (one
for each month of the year) that gives, for each month the probability
for any given line to be in maintenance. For example if
`daily_proba_per_month_maintenance[6] = 0.1` it means that for the
6th month of the year (june) there is a 10% for each powerline to be in
- "max_daily_number_per_month_maintenance": maximum number of powerlines
allowed in maintenance at the same time.
.. warning::
Use this class only for the MAINTENANCE and not for environment
data ("load_p", "load_q", "prod_p" or "prod_v") nor for
forecast (in this case use :class:`CSVForecastHandler`)
nor for setting the initial state state (in this case use
def __init__(self,
_duration_episode_default=24*12, # if max_iter is not set, then maintenance are computed for a whole day
super().__init__(array_name, max_iter)
self.json_file_name = json_file_name
self.dict_meta_data = None
self.maintenance = None
self.maintenance_time = None
self.maintenance_duration = None
self.n_line = None # used in one of the GridStateFromFileWithForecastsWithMaintenance functions
self._duration_episode_default = _duration_episode_default
self.current_index = 0
self._order_backend_arrays = None
def get_maintenance_time_1d(self, maintenance):
return GridValue.get_maintenance_time_1d(maintenance)
def get_maintenance_duration_1d(self, maintenance):
return GridValue.get_maintenance_duration_1d(maintenance)
def _create_maintenance_arrays(self, current_datetime):
# create the self.maintenance, self.maintenance_time and self.maintenance_duration
self.maintenance = GridStateFromFileWithForecastsWithMaintenance._generate_matenance_static(
self.max_episode_duration if self.max_episode_duration is not None else self._duration_episode_default,
self.dict_meta_data["maintenance_day_of_week"] if "maintenance_day_of_week" in self.dict_meta_data else None
[docs] def initialize(self, order_backend_arrays, names_chronics_to_backend):
self._order_backend_arrays = copy.deepcopy(order_backend_arrays)
self.names_chronics_to_backend = copy.deepcopy(names_chronics_to_backend)
self.n_line = len(self._order_backend_arrays)
self.current_index = 0
# read the description file
with open(os.path.join(self.path, self.json_file_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
self.dict_meta_data = json.load(f)
# and now sample the maintenance
[docs] def check_validity(self, backend):
[docs] def load_next_maintenance(self):
maint_time = 1 * self.maintenance_time[self.current_index, :]
maint_duration = 1 * self.maintenance_duration[self.current_index, :]
return maint_time, maint_duration
[docs] def load_next(self, dict_):
self.current_index += 1
if self.current_index >= self.maintenance.shape[0]:
# regenerate some maintenance if needed
self.current_index = 0
self.init_datetime += self.maintenance.shape[0] * self.time_interval
return copy.deepcopy(self.maintenance[self.current_index, :])
def _clear(self):
self.dict_meta_data = None
self.maintenance = None
self.maintenance_time = None
self.maintenance_duration = None
self.n_line = None
self.current_index = 0
[docs] def done(self):
# maintenance can be generated on the fly so they are never "done"
return False
[docs] def regenerate_with_new_seed(self):
if self.dict_meta_data is not None: